Finance Accounting

Finance Accounting Quiz




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Finance Accounting

Finance Accounting Quiz

1 / 25

Material  are charged   to  production at actual  cost  under ;-

2 / 25

A person  is said  to be  insolvent  when his  :-

3 / 25

Any amount or goods withdrawn by the owner of a business for personal use is called:-

4 / 25

Transferring entries   from journal to  ledger  account  is  commonly  known as :-

5 / 25

A person from whom  credit  purchases  are made   is  called :-

6 / 25

If the real rate of return is 10% and inflation s money Discount Rate is:-

7 / 25

A sale  of Rs, 50,000  to  A  was  entered  as a sale  to B.  This  is  an example of  ;-

8 / 25

When different   accounts  are clubbed  on the basis of  some  common  characteristics  that  are shared  by them , the concept is known as ;-

9 / 25

Payment of  honorarium  to secretary   is  treated as ;-

10 / 25

Accounting is  the language of  ;-

11 / 25

External users of accounting information may involve:-

12 / 25

Double  entry  implies that  recording  two aspects  of  every  transaction:-

13 / 25

Appending notes to the  financial statements as per ___________ convention;-

14 / 25

Royalty account is:-

15 / 25

A receipts and payment account is nothing but a summary of all capital receipt and payments:-

16 / 25

Discount for  quick payment of debt is normally referred as:-

17 / 25

Royalty  accounting  is covered under   companies  Act 1956  :-

18 / 25

Which does not effect cash flows Proposal:-

19 / 25

Net profit ratio signifies:-

20 / 25

At the  time of  admission an incoming   partner   contributes as  goodwill;-

21 / 25

Small  items  like  ,  pencils  pens  are written  off  within  a year   according  to  _________ concept  ;-

22 / 25

The bonds with shorter maturity will have ____________ duration:-

23 / 25

__________ is a blending of two or more existing undertaking into one undertaking:-

24 / 25

Goodwill is  _____ for  company ;-

25 / 25

Cash a//c  is a  ________ a/c ;-

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