BE Computer Engineering Quiz

BE Computer Engineering Quiz




Shaheen Leader Academy

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BE Computer Engineering Quiz

1 / 25

The  circuit  used for  the  request  line  is  a ;-

2 / 25

Pulse  shaping   technique   is  used to  reduce  isi;-

3 / 25

Which is not a valid reserved keyword in C++:-

4 / 25

Fuzzy  computing deals  with   inpreci:  -

5 / 25

Vocoders   __________ the  voice  at the receiver:-

6 / 25

During  the  execution  of  a program  which gets   initialized  first ;-

7 / 25

The process of a drawing a flow chart for an algorithm is called:-

8 / 25

M-ary QAM   signal  have  constant   energy  per  symbol;-

9 / 25

The data  field  can not   carry  ____________:-

10 / 25

___________ topology  requires  a  multipoint   connection;-

11 / 25

_______ resources  are  identified   by  uniform  resource  identifiers ;-

12 / 25

What one has the same precedence level:-

13 / 25

A K bit field can specify any one of:-

14 / 25

Second step process of creating 3 D animation is;-

15 / 25

The combination of top down and bottom up approach may be referred as an;-

16 / 25

The device which is allowed  to initiate  data  transfer  on the bus  at any time is called :-

17 / 25

The statement that tells the computer to get a value from an input device and store it in a memory location:-

18 / 25

Quantization  is  a  ____________ process ;-

19 / 25

How  does  blind  search   differ from  optimization;-

20 / 25

The  stack  frame   for  each   subroutine  is  present  in ;-

21 / 25

The communication between the components in a microcomputer takes place via the address and;-

22 / 25

For  a  phase  modulated   signal ,  the  frequency   deviation  is  proportional to ;-

23 / 25

Which is  not  a  way   to represent   convolution  code ;-

24 / 25

A binary digit is called a:-

25 / 25

When  parameters   are  being  passed  on to the  subroutines they are stored  in :-