BE Computer Engineering Quiz BE Computer Engineering Quiz 104 Welcome to Shaheen Leader Academy We expect 100% result. Click on Start Button. Your time is Ended. Thanks BE Computer Engineering Quiz 1 / 25 The circuit used for the request line is a ;- open collector open drain ex or circuit 2 / 25 Pulse shaping  technique  is used to reduce isi;- false true 3 / 25 Which is not a valid reserved keyword in C++:- Explicit Implicit Public Private 4 / 25 Fuzzy computing deals with  inpreci: - false true 5 / 25 Vocoders  __________ the voice at the receiver:- analyze modulate synthesize 6 / 25 During the execution of a program which gets  initialized first ;- pc ir mdr 7 / 25 The process of a drawing a flow chart for an algorithm is called:- evaluation Performance algorithm representation flowcharting 8 / 25 M-ary QAM  signal have constant  energy per symbol;- false true 9 / 25 The data field can not  carry ____________:- tcp segments udp segments icmp segments 10 / 25 ___________ topology requires a multipoint  connection;- bus mesh star 11 / 25 _______ resources are identified  by uniform resource identifiers ;- coap hmtp mqtt 12 / 25 What one has the same precedence level:- multiplication division, addition and subtraction multiplication division and addition addition and subtraction 13 / 25 A K bit field can specify any one of:- k2 register 2K register 3K register k3 register 14 / 25 Second step process of creating 3 D animation is;- Modeling animating rendering 15 / 25 The combination of top down and bottom up approach may be referred as an;- Interactive approach Interpretive approach Integrative approach 16 / 25 The device which is allowed to initiate data transfer on the bus at any time is called :- controller processor bus master 17 / 25 The statement that tells the computer to get a value from an input device and store it in a memory location:- write read 18 / 25 Quantization is a ____________ process ;- many to few mapping few to many mapping few to few mapping 19 / 25 How does blind search  differ from optimization;- blind search usua blind search represe blind search can not 20 / 25 The stack frame  for each  subroutine is present in ;- processor stack system heap main memory 21 / 25 The communication between the components in a microcomputer takes place via the address and;- Address bus I/O bus Data bus Control lines 22 / 25 For a phase modulated  signal , the frequency  deviation is proportional to ;- Amplitude Frequency width 23 / 25 Which is not a way  to represent  convolution code ;- linear matrix state diagram trellis diagram 24 / 25 A binary digit is called a:- Number Byte Bit Character 25 / 25 When parameters  are being passed on to the subroutines they are stored in :- memory locations registers all of them Your score is LinkedIn Facebook Twitter VKontakte Restart quiz