BE Electronics Engineering Quiz




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BE Electronics Engineering Quiz

1 / 25

When an electron breaks a covalent bond and moves away:-

2 / 25

I CO in a diode and I CBO in a transistor consist of majority carriers:-

3 / 25

The work function for the oxide coated emitter material is:-

4 / 25

The magnetic flux inside the exciting coil is same as on its outside surface:-

5 / 25

The commonly used material for shielding magnetism is:-

6 / 25

The bridge used for the measurement of the value of the capacitance is:-

7 / 25

Which junction transistor is preferred for high input and low output impedance:-

8 / 25

An air gap is usually inserted in magnetic circuits to:-

9 / 25

An electrolytic capacitor is made to provide:-

10 / 25

The lines of force due to charges particles are:-

11 / 25

Dielectric strength of material depends on:-

12 / 25

Hysteresis loss least depends on:-

13 / 25

In a normally biased NPN transistor the main current crossing the collector junction is:-

14 / 25

Which one is not a vector:-

15 / 25

During the charging of a lead acid cell;-

16 / 25

Which electron emission process is widely used in vacuum tubes:-

17 / 25

When 4 volt emf is applied across a 1 Farad capacitor , it will store energy of:-

18 / 25

The uniform magnetic field is the field in which all lines of magnetic flux are parallel:-

19 / 25

A capacitor charged to 200 V has 2000. The value of capacitance will be:-

20 / 25

Dielectric strength of medium increase with rise in temperature:-

21 / 25

In a PNP transistor , with normal bias the emitter junction:-

22 / 25

Electrolytic capacitor must be connected to the correct polarity:-

23 / 25

The SCR is a silicon diode rectifier with a gate control electrode:-

24 / 25

The capacity of a battery is expressed in terms of:-

25 / 25

Which amplifier circuit using junction transistor has the best gain;-