BE Information Technology

BS (Honours) Information Technology




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BS (Honors) Information Technology Quiz

1 / 25

Shell  sort  is  a  stable  sorting  algorithm :-

2 / 25

A binary code for alphabetic and numeric characters that IBM developed for its larger operating system is:-

3 / 25

Which  data  structure is   linear type :-

4 / 25

One  security protocol  for  the  email  system is ;-

5 / 25

The R.Java File is where you edit the resources for your project:-

6 / 25

A __________ is  a  graph that has  weight   of  costs  associated with   its edges ;-

7 / 25

Stack pointers  contains  the address  of  the  top  of  the  stack memory ;-

8 / 25

Which devices help us to make and receive calls and services anytime and anywhere:-

9 / 25

In distance vector  routing algorithm  the routing tables are updated:-

10 / 25

Every  instruction  has  two parts ;-

11 / 25

Which computers represent data as numbers of separate units:-

12 / 25

Which is the characteristics of a computer:-

13 / 25

A search engine is a website that allows users to search for information on the web:-

14 / 25

Convert the 010111100,binary number to octal:-

15 / 25

The two kinds of main memory are:-

16 / 25

The  operation of  processing  each  element   in the  list is  known as ;-

17 / 25

Which  flag condition  is  used  for  BCD  arithmetic   operation in microprocessor :-

18 / 25

Binary  search  algorithm  can not  be applied  to _______ concept :-

19 / 25

What is the full form of CPU:-

20 / 25

A  B-tree   of  order  4  and   of  height 3   will  have  a  maximum  of keys :-

21 / 25

The host who compute on the run and what to maintain their connections as they move around;-

22 / 25

Android does not make any assumptions about a device's screen size,resolution:-

23 / 25

Which of the following is a music streaming service;-

24 / 25

What is the function of BIOS;-

25 / 25

An activity can be thought of as corresponding to what:-