Human Resource Management Quiz Human Resource Management Quiz 12 Welcome to Shaheen Leader Academy We expect 100% result. Click on Start Button. Your time is Ended. Thanks Human Resource Management Human Resource Management Quiz 1 / 25 The core elements of HR are:- Both a, b Management People 2 / 25 Human dues diligence means investigation of:- managerial capacity of potential partner Management team Both a, b 3 / 25 A behavior which has  rewarding experience is likely to be repeated is postulated by :- Reinforcement theory equity theory agency theory 4 / 25 Which factors need to be considered while designing a training  programme ;- Identification of employee Purpose of the training Physical features of employee selected 5 / 25 The formal structural change is an example of :- Techno structural intervention Human Process intervention strategic intervention 6 / 25 E-recruiting methods include:- All of them Employer websites Career websites Internet Job boards 7 / 25 Innovative culture is the work ________ that managers  encourage  to nature and develop to generate innovative ideas ;- Problem Environment Rules 8 / 25 Human Resource planning is a compulsory for:- all of them Effective employee development programme Base for recruitment base for selection policy 9 / 25 Human factor is the entire concept of human behavior:- No Yes 10 / 25 A major  difference between international HRM and domestic HRM is foreign HR policies , practices ;- True False 11 / 25 Job evaluation tries to make a systematic comparison between:- Department Machines Workers Jobs 12 / 25 HRM is ;- accounting function staff function line function 13 / 25 Competency mapping is possible through;- all of them Workforce skill analysis Job analysis Supply and demand analysis 14 / 25 Job analysis is formal and detailed study of:- Raw materials Jobs Salary 15 / 25 Which one is the feature of the digital signal processor:- Both a, b It can handle real time processing It performs fast processing of arrays 16 / 25 Which is Human relation policy ;- common interest Open communication mutual acceptance 17 / 25 How does training and development offer advantage to an organisation:- Deficiency is caused by a lack of ability Removing performance decencies all of them 18 / 25 Discharge may or may not be punishment but dismissal certainly means:- Demotion Punishment Promotion 19 / 25 Which wage  concept is higher than  fair wage :- team based pay minimum wage living wage 20 / 25 Human relation approach refers to integration of people into a work situation that motivates them to work together:- False True 21 / 25 Which is the scope of HRM as per Dale Yoder and Robert:- all of them Departmental administration Collective bargaining 22 / 25 Job enlargement is a part of job design :- False True 23 / 25 Which is the element of personality test ;- Ambition all of them Dominance 24 / 25 Quality improvement is:- achieved by quality inspector a team effort zero thing gone wrong 25 / 25 Sending employees for higher studies ;- process of selection learning and development process of appraisal Your score is Restart quiz Subscribe our Channel Here