Human Resource Management Quiz Human Resource Management Quiz 12 Welcome to Shaheen Leader Academy We expect 100% result. Click on Start Button. Your time is Ended. Thanks Human Resource Management Human Resource Management Quiz 1 / 25 In factor comparison method, each factor is ascribed a:- Money value Scale Ranking 2 / 25 During _______ stage , the firm plans the proposed changes into practice:- Assessment Monitoring Design Clarification 3 / 25 Many college and universities have arranged for students to work part time in a special training program. This training is called:- Educational credits program An Internship College trainee experience 4 / 25 Which are the standard test signals:- Exponential All of them Impulse Step 5 / 25 Flexible working practices include ;- work from home fixed hours no job sharing 6 / 25 Wages represent ______________ rates of pay ;- hourly weekly daily 7 / 25 On the job training can be provided through:- all of them Mobile teacher Non formal education 8 / 25 A rating scale  which enlist traits and performance values is called :- Management by objectives Graphic rating scale method in house development 9 / 25 Which shows the correct importance of controlling:- To ensure all of the activities are coordinated as per the plan Both None Power to influence people's behavior 10 / 25 Recruitment is:- Follw selections Matches Selection Precedes Selection 11 / 25 HRM is ;- inter dependent all of them inter related 12 / 25 A key HR role in the firm will be multidisciplinary consulting around:- Individuals Business unit All of them Teams 13 / 25 To calculate the number of person required for various jobs with reference to a planned output is called:- Workforce analysis Forecasting Work load analysis 14 / 25 Directing comes under:- managerial functions Technical functions Operative functions 15 / 25 Job enlargement expands the number of related tasks in the ;- Identity Job work 16 / 25 __________________ is considered as first wage incentive plan in the modern era of the industry:- Taylor's differential piece-rate plans Halsey plan Barth plan 17 / 25 What is meant by the factual statement of the duties and responsibilities:- Job specification Job analysis Job description 18 / 25 Executive recruiters are also called___________:- staffers Head hunters alternative staffing companies 19 / 25 In a re engineering program, when a process changes so does the ___________ of the concerned employee :- job profile designation qualification 20 / 25 What influences the bank employee's attitude on work culture:- Location of branch Ownership of bank Educational qualification Both a, c 21 / 25 What are the types of Industrial action a union is most likely to engage in;- Strike action Unofficial action Action short of a strike 22 / 25 Which are the practices followed under GHRM;- Recycling waste disposal Paperless office all of them 23 / 25 Which is the scope of HRM as per Dale Yoder and Robert:- Departmental administration all of them Collective bargaining 24 / 25 The first stage in career planning is:- Preparation stage Investigation stage Establishment stage 25 / 25 360-degree feedback enhance the quality of_____________ decisions:- HR management All of them HRD Your score is Restart quiz Subscribe our Channel Here