Human Resource Management Quiz

Human Resource Management Quiz




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Human Resource Management

Human Resource Management Quiz

1 / 25

The core elements of HR are:-

2 / 25

Human dues diligence means investigation of:-

3 / 25

A  behavior which has   rewarding  experience  is likely  to be repeated  is postulated by :-

4 / 25

Which  factors  need  to  be considered while  designing  a  training   programme ;-

5 / 25

The  formal  structural  change is an example  of :-

6 / 25

E-recruiting methods include:-

7 / 25

Innovative  culture  is  the work  ________ that managers   encourage   to nature  and develop  to  generate  innovative  ideas ;-

8 / 25

Human Resource planning is a compulsory for:-

9 / 25

Human factor is the entire concept of human behavior:-

10 / 25

A major   difference between international HRM and  domestic  HRM is  foreign HR policies  ,  practices ;-

11 / 25

Job evaluation tries to make a systematic comparison between:-

12 / 25

HRM  is  ;-

13 / 25

Competency mapping is possible through;-

14 / 25

Job analysis is formal and detailed study of:-

15 / 25

Which one is the feature of  the digital signal  processor:-

16 / 25

Which is  Human  relation policy ;-

17 / 25

How does training and development offer advantage to an organisation:-

18 / 25

Discharge may or may not be punishment but dismissal certainly means:-

19 / 25

Which  wage   concept  is higher  than   fair  wage :-

20 / 25

Human relation approach refers to integration of people into a work situation that motivates them to work together:-

21 / 25

Which is the scope of HRM as  per Dale Yoder and Robert:-

22 / 25

Job enlargement  is  a part of  job design :-

23 / 25

Which is the element of  personality test ;-

24 / 25

Quality improvement is:-

25 / 25

Sending  employees  for higher  studies ;-

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