Environmental Sciences Quiz

Environmental Sciences Quiz




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Environmental Sciences

Environmental Sciences Quiz

1 / 25

Which  type of  clouds  is found  in the highest altitude of the Earth's atmosphere :-

2 / 25

What is the major source of  SO2;-

3 / 25

Burning of fossil fuel ______________ greenhouse gases;-

4 / 25

Troposphere   contains   80% of  the atmosphere    by mass:-

5 / 25

The study of poison is called :-

6 / 25

The temperature to which air  must be cooled in order to become saturated is the:-

7 / 25

a group of individuals of a plant or animal species, inhabiting a given area is called:-

8 / 25

Which is  an Ex situ method  of  biodiversity  conservation;-

9 / 25

The  form  of  sludge  which is  free from  pathogenic  bacteria is ;-

10 / 25

Earth summit of Rio de Janeiro resulted in:-

11 / 25

When an outside surface  cools  past the  dew point  , frost forms:-

12 / 25

When was the environment day observed for the first time:-

13 / 25

Which UV radiations  is   responsible  for  causing   sun burns  and skin  cancer;-

14 / 25

When Richardson  number is equal  to zero, only  mechanical turbulence  is  the wind  turbulence characteristics :-

15 / 25

____________ is the  cutting  and  tearing   of municipal  solid waste :-

16 / 25

What does 'System' imply in the term ' ecosystem':-

17 / 25

Which  effect  is  responsible  for  global  warming :-

18 / 25

Which disease is not caused by water pollution:-

19 / 25

The temperature  decrease with altitude  in the stratosphere  layer:-

20 / 25

Sustainable  development  means  progress of  human being ;-

21 / 25

Which air pollutant cause corrosion  of  building ;-

22 / 25

The stockholm  convention is a global treaty to protect  human from  persistent organic pollutants:-

23 / 25

The  average  life  expectancy  around  the world  is  currently :-

24 / 25

Baba  amte   was the  leader  of  :-

25 / 25

The species that flower are called:-

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