Telecom Engineering Quiz

Telecom Engineering Quiz




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Telecom Engineering

Telecom Engineering Quiz

1 / 25

Which among the following are supported by LAN:-

2 / 25

Peak  voltage   of  a carrier   is  8 kV , each  sideband   has an amplitude  of  800V.  Find  its  modulation  index:-

3 / 25

Eigen function  are not  orthogonal :-

4 / 25

Signal  to  noise   ratio  for  a  hi fi system   is  equal  to :-

5 / 25

A trivalent impurity has _____________ valence electrons:-

6 / 25

Signal  and  its  Hilbert  transform  have   same  energy  density  spectrum :-

7 / 25

A rating of 50 dB indicates a cable shield effectiveness that is considered to be:-

8 / 25

Quantum well laser are providing high inherent advantage over:-

9 / 25

Band  pass  filter  allows   a  range of frequencies   to  pass :-

10 / 25

AM  spectrum  consist of :-

11 / 25

In  which  exceptions  does  the  external   event  causes   the  exception:-

12 / 25

What is the standard form of SPC;-

13 / 25

Demodulation is  recovering   information  from  a  modulated   signal ;-

14 / 25

Any signal   and  Its  Hilbert  transform  are  mutually orthogonal:-

15 / 25

Which  stage  is  present  in FM  receiver  but not in AM  receiver:-

16 / 25

Polarization model noise can _________ the performance of communication system:

17 / 25

The end terminal  in message  switching  is:-

18 / 25

The threshold temperature coefficient for In GaAsP device is in the range of:-

19 / 25

At the temperature of a transistor goes up, the base emitter resistance:-

20 / 25

A zener diode utilize ____________ characteristics for  its operation;-

21 / 25

Aspect ratio is  the ratio of ;-

22 / 25

The leakage current across a PN  junction is due to:-

23 / 25

In FM modulation, when the modulation index increase , transmitter power is:-

24 / 25

FSK system  involves :-

25 / 25

In circuit switching ___________ switches are used:-

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