Geography Tests Geography Tests 42 Welcome to Shaheen Leader Academy We expect 100% result. Click on Start Button. Your time is Ended. Thanks Geogrpahy Quiz 1 / 25 The Potwar Plateau is very rich in ;- Aluminium Chromite Oil and gas 2 / 25 Which is located in South of Pakistan:- Indian Ocean India Russia 3 / 25 The point in the earth from where the seismic waves spread out in all directions is ;- Earthquake focus Seismic center Epicenter 4 / 25 Which state has maximum lengths of Roads ;- Maharashtra Punjab Haryana 5 / 25 Hub lake is situated near:- Quetta Karachi peshawar 6 / 25 What is the height of Tirich mir Peak:- 7650 meters 7690 meters 7670 meters 7 / 25 Fuller's earth deposits in Pakistan are located in district of:- Sann D.G khan District Sehwan 8 / 25 Warsak dam is situated on:- Sawat river Indus river Kurram river Kabul river 9 / 25 Mojave desert is in ;- USA Chili China 10 / 25 Antarctica is located in:- North pole Both a, b South pole Equator 11 / 25 The hot molten material erupted from a  volcano is called :- Pyro cost Lava Magma 12 / 25 Which country is situated in equator:- All of above Maldives Gabon Indonesia 13 / 25 The crop mainly grown in hills is ;- sweet pea sweet jowar sweet corn 14 / 25 Bali island is situated in;- Philippine island Japan island Indonesia island 15 / 25 The 'salt range' is located in:- KP Punjab Sindh Balochistan 16 / 25 More determined and driven work ethics  due to frequent variability in the weather of the ;- Higher latitude Lower latitude Middle latitude 17 / 25 West wind  drift is a ;- None of them Current of south pacific ocean Circumpolar drift 18 / 25 What is the total area of Azad Kashmir:- 13,297 sq km 13, 493 sq km 13,629 sq km 19 / 25 Which is an organic rock ;- Marble Coal Granite 20 / 25 Rohingya Muslims hail from:- Bhutan Tajikstan Myanmar Sri Lanka 21 / 25 Where is Tundra:- South of Australia Area of Land in the North of asia, America , Europe Red of South Chinese sea 22 / 25 The highest point above the sea level in Pakistan is ;- K2 Pamir Nanga parbat 23 / 25 k2 is also known as ;- Broad Peak Roshan peak Goodwin Austin\ 24 / 25 Which is the largest fresh water lake of Pakistan:- Manchhar lake Kaghan lake Sat para lake 25 / 25 Globigerina ozone is made up of:- Silica Frustules Foaminifera Your score is LinkedIn Facebook Twitter VKontakte Restart quiz Subscribe our Channel Here