Interview Online Quiz Interview Online Quiz 532 Welcome to Shaheen Leader Academy We expect 100% result. Click on Start Button. Your time is Ended. Thanks Interview Online Quiz 1 / 25 NAFTA stands for:- North American Free Trade Agreement North Atlantic Free Trade Agreement North American Fundamental Trade Agreement 2 / 25 Who is considered the founder of meteorology:- Plato Aristotle Einstein 3 / 25 Top _________highest mountains in the world are collectively called Eight thousanders:- 12 14 10 4 / 25 Masjid mahabat khan is located in:- Mardan Peshawar Kohat 5 / 25 Skills are assessed in an interview:- Listening Singing Blabbering 6 / 25 City army medical college located in:- Rawalpindi Quetta Islamabad 7 / 25 The first ummayed caliph was:- Ameer Muawiya ( R.A) Amr bin Al-Aas ( R.A) Khalid bin waleed ( R.A) 8 / 25 Hazrat ______ levied zakat on horses:- Abu Bakr Umar Usman 9 / 25 Diamond is an allotropic form of:- Nitrogen Hydrogen Carbon 10 / 25 The head quarter of air forced is located in:- Islamabad Lahore Rawalpindi 11 / 25 Hazrat ________ had a knowledge of dreams:- Usman Abu Bakr Umar 12 / 25 Which famous ghazwa is mentioned in Surah Al e Imran:- Badr Khaiber Ohad 13 / 25 The easiest appraisal interview is:- Satisfactory not promotable interview Both None Satisfactory promotable interview 14 / 25 Lake Leucerne that has complicated shape is located in;- Switzerland Portugal Egypt 15 / 25 Interviewer are clear and concise;- Do's Don'ts 16 / 25 The height of Lhtose mountain is:- 516m / 27, 940 ft 8516m / 27, 940 ft 27, 940 ft 17 / 25 Hazrat Usman Bin _____________ was the key holder of kaaba:- Talha Qasim Saad 18 / 25 Which of these interviews is taken for a candidate far away:- Telephone Stress interview Lunch interview 19 / 25 Pakistan is located in which tropic zone;- North West South East 20 / 25 Interviewer provides negative information about yourself:- Don'ts Do's 21 / 25 Qasim was born in__________ years before prophethood:- 10 11 12 22 / 25 Observing CV's of candidates for rating by order , considered as;- Both a,b Candidates order error Candidates contrast error 23 / 25 It takes less than a__________ for your brain to decide if you like or not:- hour Second minute 24 / 25 Deficiency of ______________ cause loss of appetite and poor growth:- Iodine Copper Zinc 25 / 25 Which one is not a step in self analysis ;- Identifying accomplishments Analyzing background Identifying achievement Complaining Your score is LinkedIn Facebook Twitter VKontakte Restart quiz Subscribe our Channel Here