Interview Online Quiz

Interview Online Quiz




Shaheen Leader Academy

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Interview Online Quiz

1 / 25

NAFTA stands for:-

2 / 25

Who is considered the founder of meteorology:-

3 / 25

Top _________highest mountains in the world are collectively called Eight thousanders:-

4 / 25

Masjid mahabat khan is located in:-

5 / 25

Skills are assessed in an interview:-

6 / 25

City army medical college located in:-

7 / 25

The first ummayed caliph was:-

8 / 25

Hazrat ______ levied zakat on horses:-

9 / 25

Diamond is an allotropic form of:-

10 / 25

The head quarter of air forced is located in:-

11 / 25

Hazrat ________ had a knowledge of dreams:-

12 / 25

Which famous ghazwa is mentioned in Surah Al e Imran:-

13 / 25

The easiest appraisal interview is:-

14 / 25

Lake Leucerne that has complicated shape is located in;-

15 / 25

Interviewer are clear and concise;-

16 / 25

The height of Lhtose mountain is:-

17 / 25

Hazrat Usman Bin _____________ was the key holder of kaaba:-

18 / 25

Which of these interviews is taken for a candidate far away:-

19 / 25

Pakistan is located in which tropic zone;-

20 / 25

Interviewer provides negative information  about yourself:-

21 / 25

Qasim was born in__________ years before prophethood:-

22 / 25

Observing CV's  of candidates for rating by order , considered as;-

23 / 25

It takes less than a__________ for your brain to decide if you like or not:-

24 / 25

Deficiency of ______________ cause loss of appetite and poor growth:-

25 / 25

Which one is not a step in self analysis ;-

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