Interview Online Quiz

Interview Quiz




Shaheen Leader Academy

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Interview Online Quiz

1 / 25

_____________ is essentially a structured conversation;-

2 / 25

Formal speaking has casual approach to something:-

3 / 25

The average adult has a blood volume of about _________ litres;-

4 / 25

Hazrat Khadija died at __________ years ago:-

5 / 25

Which neighboring country of India has been removed from FATF Grey List:-

6 / 25

I don't know the reason of sadness" is the:-

7 / 25

In preparing questions for a structured interview, general question should precede specific questions:-

8 / 25

The term interview has been derived from the word;-

9 / 25

Good speaking skills could build the:-

10 / 25

For proper formation of teeth, _ _________ is essential:-

11 / 25

At Masjid e _____________ first Muslim university was established:-

12 / 25

Which is the classification of speech sound:-

13 / 25

The elements needed for healthy growth of a plant are;-

14 / 25

The first migration of relatives and companions of Holy Prophet (PBUH)  was to:-

15 / 25

Without skills , the ability to progress in the working world and in life, itself would be nearly impossible:-

16 / 25

Which of these is not an answering strategy:-

17 / 25

Sadness can be judged by:-

18 / 25

An interview in which , interviewer does not ask questions as a set  format called:-

19 / 25

Which qualities are important in group discussion:-

20 / 25

During winter in cold countries, the ________________ is mixed to melt the ice on the icy roads:-

21 / 25

KPL stands for:-

22 / 25

Which is the main barrier to listening:-

23 / 25

The part of grapevine  which is inaccurate:-

24 / 25

The lifespan f white blood cells is __________ days:-

25 / 25

Gulab jamun is a popular dessert of which cuisine:-