Interview Online Quiz Interview Quiz 532 Welcome to Shaheen Leader Academy We expect 100% result. Click on Start Button. Your time is Ended. Thanks Interview Online Quiz 1 / 25 Military college of Engineering is located in:- Gujranwala Risalpur Islamabad 2 / 25 Distortion due to long chain occur in;- Grapevine communication Mass communication Verbal communication Formal communication 3 / 25 Pakistan academy for rural development is situated in:- Chitral Bannu Peshawar 4 / 25 Armchair psychology contrasted with:- Empirical psychology Physical psychology Thinking process 5 / 25 The word interview refers to a conversation between:- Interviewee Both a, b None of them Interviewer 6 / 25 Flow of information from superior to subordinate authority is in;- Downward communication Crosswire communication Upward communication 7 / 25 The grave of the prophet was prepared by:- Hazrat Abu Talha Hazrat Abu Bakr Hazrat Umar 8 / 25 The SI unit of charge is:- Coluombs Ampere Ohm 9 / 25 World Rainforest day is observed on:- 20 August 22 June 15 May 10 / 25 Which of these is not a physiological barrier;- Gel effect Halo effect Fear Different perception 11 / 25 From where undo advise comes;- From observations From measurement From hypothesis 12 / 25 Which one is called as -- secret communication tool;- Silence Body language Skills Sense of humor 13 / 25 The first ummayed caliph was:- Khalid bin waleed ( R.A) Ameer Muawiya ( R.A) Amr bin Al-Aas ( R.A) 14 / 25 The interchange of information is done through pre defined channel in:- Informal communication Gossip communication Formal communication Cluster chain communication 15 / 25 When should you arrive for your interview:- At the time it is scheduled for incorrect response 5 - 10 minutes after he schedule time 5 - 10 minutes before he schedule time 16 / 25 Lady named ______________ tried to poison the Holy Prophet:- Ayesha Razia Zainab 17 / 25 Advantage of informal communication is:- Employees can discuss work problem save cost of the organization save time all of them 18 / 25 Which organization has released the world development report 2023:- UNESCO World bank UNO 19 / 25 Cave Hira is in the ________ mountain:- As Safa An-Noor Sil 20 / 25 I don't know the reason of sadness" is the:- Negative statement Positive statement Inaccurate statement 21 / 25 Desert of death is located in:- USA Iran Afghanistan 22 / 25 Grapevine communication is another name of:- Formal communication Informal communication Probability communication Upward communication 23 / 25 What are the successful strategies for interview:- Personal rappot All of the above Clear idea of the key point Good eye contact 24 / 25 HIT stands for:- Heavy Industries tax Heavy Industries Tools Heavy Industries Taxila 25 / 25 The most abundant element in the universe is:- CO2 Oxygen Hydrogen Your score is LinkedIn Facebook Twitter VKontakte Restart quiz