IT Tests of Graduation Level IT Tests of Graduation Level 341 Welcome to Shaheen Leader Academy We expect 100% result. Click on Start Button. Your time is Ended. Thanks IT (Graduation) Quiz 1 / 25 Daisy chain is a device for connecting a number of devices to a ___:- CPU controller device none of them 2 / 25 Which of the following is an impact printer:- Daisy wheel Plotter Ink-jet printer Laser printer 3 / 25 Nonmodifiable procedures are called:- concurrent procedures reentrant procedures serially usable procedures topdown procedures 4 / 25 The mechanism that causes the head carriage and head to be moved to the desired track is:- Actuator Band stop filter Access method Active star 5 / 25 Which is system programming language that incorporates the control structures for structured programming:- BCPL ALGOL PL/I ADA 6 / 25 Which of the following is used to make a program run when the computer is switched on:- Authentication Autoboot Warmboot Bubble 7 / 25 In which year the metal oxide semiconductor is invented:- 1969 1962 1960 1968 8 / 25 In FDDI data normally travels on:- neither rings both rings secondary ring primary ring 9 / 25 The ESD wrist strap is designed to protect PC components:- PC Components Both of these None of these Service technicians 10 / 25 Arithmetic operations are coded in:- terminal symbol Processing symbol decision symbol I/O 11 / 25 Lisp was developed by:- John Napier Dr. Hollerith Blaise Pacal John Mc Carthy 12 / 25 Any file in which insertion of a new record or deletion of a old record occur at high rate is referred as:- a volatile file all of these a sequential file a random access file 13 / 25 Another name for usenet is:- newsgroups CERN Gopher browser 14 / 25 A method used to refer to data that is located in an address field of an instruction is _____ addressing:- indirect implied immediate register indexed 15 / 25 A software package to perform calculations on data arranged in an array is:- application program electronic spread sheet system software utility programs 16 / 25 Whereas a computer mouse moves over a table surface, the trackball is:- stationary move in small steps dragged difficult to move 17 / 25 What are the two states that refers to the possible state of transistor:- GO STOP ON OFF 18 / 25 The CPU is made up of ALU and ____;- memory input output register unit all of these 19 / 25 Which part of the computer system enables human being to communicate with the computers:- CPU Console Printer Keyboard 20 / 25 Which is required to communicate between two computers:- Access to transmission medium Communication software and protocols Communication hardware All of these 21 / 25 The refreshing rate of dynamic RAMs is approximately once in:- fifty milli seconds three milli seconds four milli seconds two milli seconds 22 / 25 Which is a data communication link that connect more than two stations, nodes etc:- Multipoint connection Multipoint line Multilinked Multiple chain 23 / 25 The 3-functional elements of a digital computer are input device, output device and:- control unit ALU CPU register unit 24 / 25 Which is the most popular medium for direct access secondary storage of a computer:- RAM magnetic tape magnetic disk ROM 25 / 25 A set of program which controls computer working is called:- main storage operating system all of these memory Your score is LinkedIn Facebook Twitter VKontakte Restart quiz Subscribe our Channel Here