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Maths (Matric) Test




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Mathematics (Matric) Quiz

1 / 25

Null vector is represented by ___.

2 / 25

What is mode in the following

2, 3, 4, 5, 1, 2, 7, 8, 6

3 / 25

(a + b)² + (a - b)²=_________?

4 / 25

Conjugate of surd a+√b is

5 / 25

The sum of internal angles of the triangle is:

6 / 25

If A = {x, y, z}, and B = {w, x, y} then A∪B=______?

7 / 25

The set {0,1} is closed with respect to the operation of ___?

8 / 25

When x=y then solution set of x+y=6 is ___.

9 / 25

The point (2,-3) lies in quadrant 

10 / 25

If the area of circle is 154cm then its radius will be ___.

11 / 25

The union of two non colinear rays which have common end points is called ____.

12 / 25

If |an + bn|= 0 then what is true …………….?

13 / 25

The x²+6x+9 is a square of ____.

14 / 25

What is a^m/n is equal to______.

15 / 25

The set {-1,-2,-3,…….} is closed with respect to _____?

16 / 25

Sin (60) = ____________?

17 / 25

If set A has four members then the set A×A has ____ members.

18 / 25

A triangle is formed by ____ non-colinear vertices.

19 / 25

If sum of the angles is 180 then angles are called ______.

20 / 25

In a cumulative frequency polygon frequencies are plotted against?

21 / 25

The set having only one element is called____.

22 / 25

X in absolute form is ?

23 / 25

Log 10=___.

24 / 25

A parallelogram has vertices.

25 / 25

A ∪ (B ∩  C) =___.

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