Physics Tests of Graduation

Physics (Graduation) Test




Shaheen Leader Academy

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Physics (Graduation) Quiz

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If a boy sitting in a train which is moving at a constant velocity throws a ball straight up into the air  the ball will:-

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In gamma  emission ,  the change  in  nucleon  number is ;-

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The speed of light with the rise in the temperature  of the medium:-

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A gas thermometer is more sensitive than a liquid thermometer:-

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A sensing  device  is  also  called :-

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Decrease in  strength  of  signal  is  known as :-

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Maximum   displacement   from equilibrium  position is ;-

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The maxwell Boltzmann statistics describe the distribution of ___________among the particles:-

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MB statistics is applicable when the temperature is _____________:-

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Current  in a  circuit  depends  on :-

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To determine molar specific at constant pressure a required system has:-

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The unit of resistivity is:-

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The excess or deficiency of an electron in a body gives the concept of:-

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Speed  of sound  in water is  500 m/s  ,  depth of water  when reflected   sound  waves  are detected  after 0.40  s is ;-

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Over damping  results  in ;-

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The spoon dropped by an astronaut in a satellite will:-

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_____ can be eliminated, if each zone of the lens satisfied Abbe's sine condition:-

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Which statistics follows classical mechanics:-

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Dimension of  relative  density has  no dimension , since  it's  a ratio  of two densities :-

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The SI unit of magnetic field is;-

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The bats can fly in the dark:-

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If direction of current   is  from positive to negative ,  then it is called :-

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When milk is churned the cream separates from it due to:-

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Acceleration of  a  rocket  having mass  5000 Kg and resultant force  acting   on it  is  200,000 N  is ;-

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Speed  of  sound  in air  is :-

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