Test Page (Physics)

Physics (Matric) Tests




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Physics (Matric) Quiz

1 / 25

Which waves are commonly produced by oscillating electric circuits?

2 / 25

The value of g on mars is:-

3 / 25

When the cyclist stop pedalling, bicycle stops due to:-

4 / 25

If force is 200 N and the length of spanner is 0.15 m then torque will be:-

5 / 25

If the current is induced in a circuit due to the change of current in an other circuit, this process is known as:-

6 / 25

The boiling point of water is?

7 / 25

The upward buoyant force that is exerted on a body immersed in a fluid, whether fully or partially submerged, is equal to the weight of the fluid that the body's displaces and acts in the upward direction at the center of mass of the displaced fluid is called ________.

8 / 25

The number of forces that can add by head to tail rule is:-

9 / 25

If half-life of element is 20 years then real life of its element is ___ years?

10 / 25

The movement of cold air from the sea towards the land is called?

11 / 25

What is the unit of Impendce:-

12 / 25

Resistance of shunt is:-

13 / 25

Dr.Abdul salam got a noble prize in physics in:-

14 / 25

When a heavy nucleus splits into two lighter nuclei, the process would be:-

15 / 25

All the work is done by computer in the light of given instructions known as;-

16 / 25

A train is moving at a speed of 36 kmh-1. Its speed expressed in ms-1 is:-

17 / 25

The charged stored in a cap action is equal to the product of ________

18 / 25

If we touch the disc of charged electroscope with a body and the leaves collapse from the diverge position, then the body would be:-

19 / 25

On Celsius scale, the temperature 300 K will be:-

20 / 25

Term for vibration is:-

21 / 25

The first person who transmitted the first radio signal on air:-

22 / 25

Electromagnetic consist of:-

23 / 25

Unit of Length is ____?

24 / 25

Derived Units have ______ kinds.

25 / 25

The variation of focal length to form a sharp image on retina is called

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