Tests of Biology (Intermediate) Biology MCQs (Intermediate) 2177 Welcome to Shaheen Leader Academy We expect 100% result. Click on Start Button. Your time is Ended. Thanks Biology (Intermediate) Quiz 1 / 25 The most swift type of locomotion is shown by:- Digitigrades Plantigrades All of above Unguligrades 2 / 25 Yellow to orange colour pigment present in chloroplast are:- Chlorophyll b carotenes Xanthophils Carotenoids 3 / 25 The tracheophytes are further subdivided into:- 2 subdivisions 3 subdivisions 4 subdivisions 8 subdivisions 4 / 25 Water proof surface like cuticle of leaf and protective covering of insects body are:- Waxes Terpenoid Phospholipids Acylglycerol 5 / 25 Enzymes which convert single stranded viral RNA into double stranded viral DNA is called:- Lysozyme Amylase Reverse transcriptase Lipase 6 / 25 Freqularia belong to phylum___:- Phaeophyta pyrrophyta Chrysophyta Chlorophyta 7 / 25 Tentative explanation of observation is called:- hypothesis reasoning theory deductive 8 / 25 Only left aortic arch is present in:- Birds Crow Mammals Cockroach 9 / 25 A sigle mushroom can produce how many spores per minute at the peak of its reproduction:- 500,000 80,000 200,000 50,000 10 / 25 A plant require nitrogen and sulfur for its:- Enzymes DNA replication cell wall Starch deposits 11 / 25 They are stored in plant and animal cells: Starch and cellulose Glucose and sucrose Fructose and glucose Starch and Glycogen 12 / 25 Terpenoids are common group of compounds that are made up of simple repeating units:- Phospholipids Isoprenoids Acylglycerol Ketones 13 / 25 Pollution of our surroundings in the recent past has resulted because of: Information Technology Forestation Rapid industrialization Biological Research 14 / 25 The protozoans having two kind of nuclei:- Actinopods zooflagellate ciliates amoeba 15 / 25 In the first step of citric acid cycle, acetyl CoA reacts with oxaloacetate to form:- pyruvate ATP NADH Citrate 16 / 25 Cisternae are associated with:- vacuoles RER endoplasmic reticulum SER 17 / 25 ____ is a part of third whorl of flower:- Petal Calyx Stamen Corolla 18 / 25 Name the structure involved in DNA replication:- Cysts ribosomes mesosomes spores 19 / 25 Which of the following disease can be prevented by vaccination:- Malaria Typhoid AIDS Measles and mumps 20 / 25 Amylopsin digest starch into:- Lactose Maltose Fructose Sucrose 21 / 25 Homeostasis is based on:- Thermoregulation Feed back mechanism Anabolism Catabolism 22 / 25 Resolution of typical compound microscope is:- 2.0μm 3.0μm 10μm 20μm 23 / 25 The growth of the pollen tube is always towards the 0vule, is due to:- Geotropism Phototropism Thigmotropism Chemotropism 24 / 25 The joint that allow our skull to rotate on our spine is called:- Pivotal joint Sliding joint Fibrous joint Hinge joint 25 / 25 In the lysogenic cycle the DNA of bacteriophage:- none of the above immediately degraded both a, b join the bacterial chromosome Your score is LinkedIn Facebook Twitter VKontakte Restart quiz Apply Here for Online Registration