Tests of Logistics Pakistan Army, Navy & PAF Logistics Branch Commissioned Officers MCQs(SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT) 1343 Welcome to Shaheen Leader Academy We expect 100% result. Click on Start Button. Your time is Ended. Thanks Logistics Quiz (Supply Chain Management) 1 / 25 ____________ can  generate  programs itself , enabling it to carry out new tasks :- productivity system automated system decision making system 2 / 25 SCM control the production to;- Finance Distribution Directing 3 / 25 In case of single girder overhead travelling crane ,  the section used is :- I beam angle iron Z section 4 / 25 In the product life cycle, the emphasis in marketing mix during maturity stage is_____. Price Distribution Promotion Cost Reduction 5 / 25 The basic types of production system are normal and_____:- continuous process batch automated manual 6 / 25 An elevator is used by the construction company for......... Retail Management None of these Sales Management Material Handling 7 / 25 Master planning deals with_____. Supplier interface Manufacturing interface Customer interface Marketing interface 8 / 25 The horse power to weight ratio of a steam engine is  of the order of 60-80 kg/HP:- True False 9 / 25 The institutional framework  developed in 1947  to promote trade liberalisation is known as ;- the WTO the IMF the GATT 10 / 25 Derricks are used :- in quarries any of them for construction work 11 / 25 The concept of logistics has been systematically divided into;- 3 phases 2 phases 4 phases 12 / 25 A moving belt is used in assembly unit for..... Material Handling Retail Management None of these Sales Management 13 / 25 HRM is ___ in the generic value chain of logistics. Not an activity The only activity A primary activity A support activity 14 / 25 Proper inventory can save the........ All the above Labours Space The cost 15 / 25 Combination carrier is a unifixed cargo carrier combining container and:- OBO SD 14 RO/RO 16 / 25 The most common source of  change data in refreshing a data warehouse is ;- cooperative change data queryable change data logged change data 17 / 25 _____________ is the heart of the warehouse :- Data warehouse database servers Data mining database servers Data mart database servers 18 / 25 Exporter's export risk insurance is covered  by  export development authorities ;- False True 19 / 25 A single common initial application called 'Aayaat Niryaat Form' was developed by ;- IIFT ECGC DGFT 20 / 25 Chains for material handling  equipment are generally made of :- Mild steel Carbon steel Wrought iron 21 / 25 Time between customer order and placement :- Delivery time JIT Lead time 22 / 25 Inter modal transportation which combines air:- COF Fishy back Birdy back 23 / 25 What does ROP expand to;- Reorder point Repeat Order Quantity Reorder Quantity 24 / 25 Supply chain management plants are go hand in hand with organizations _____. Human Resource Production Business Strategy Finance 25 / 25 VMI stands for:- Vendor managed inventory Variable material inventory Vendor material inventory Your score is LinkedIn Facebook Twitter VKontakte Restart quiz Apply Here for Online Registration