Metrology MCQs




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Metrology Quiz

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 Match the following group 1 items (Authors) with group 2 items (Definitions)

1. Juran ------------------------------------------------- A. Quality is conformance to requirements
2. Crossby ---------------------------------------------  B. Quality in essence is a way of managing the organization  
3. Hoshin ----------------------------------------------- C. Quality is fitness for use
4. Feigenbaum ----------------------------------------- D. Quality is correcting and preventing

2 / 25

Which is not an end standard:-

3 / 25

In the hierarchical classification of standards , the accuracy in the standards :-

4 / 25

What is  the  pattern  of fringes ,  if  an optical  flat is   resting  on any hill :-

5 / 25

Which  type  of  error  is  introduced  when the   travel   direction   of LVDT   is  not  normal   to the  part  surface :-

6 / 25

What is  the  accuracy  of  present   day co ordinate  measuring   machine :-

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What is the shape  of  the  front  end of the housing   of a test indicator ;-

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Standard  value  of  clearance  is  0.157 x m :-

9 / 25

What  is the  alternate  name  of  constant   deviation  prism :-

10 / 25

CID  cameras  are  used  to  generate  the  electronic  signal   representing   the  image :-

11 / 25

In which of the following length standards, parallax error is observed?

12 / 25

The measurement refers to which of the following

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A dead weight  pressure gauge works on;-

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Which  is  used to  test  leveling  of  machine  bed :-

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Which  drivers  are   used  in TQM   system ;-

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What is the range of  bevel  protractor ;-

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What is the least count of  dial indicator  which can be  calibrated  using passmeter:-

18 / 25

In a speed control system,  output rate feedback is used to:-

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Mechanical comparator  have low  inertia :-

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Alternating current is measured by:-

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What is  the  importance  of  the  valley  in  any  irregular  surface :-

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Which standard is  fixed   and  uses  for  industrial  laboratories :-

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Fish bone diagram is also known as:-

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Obtaining  the  coordinate  data necessary   to position  the  sensing  system   along defined patterns is   called tracking :-

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In dial  indicator ,  gears  are   precision  cut  to  prevent   backlash ;-

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