Test Page (Chemistry) Chemistry (Matric) Level Tests Welcome to Shaheen Leader Academy We expect 100% result. Click on Start Button. Your time is Ended. Thanks Chemistry (Matric) Quiz 1 / 25 Metals have generally:- high ionization value high electron affinity value high electro negativity value low ionization value 2 / 25 Gram atomic mass of hydrogen is:- 2.016 amu 1.008 amu 2.016 g 1.008 g 3 / 25 Which element has the least value of electronegativity Beryllium Lithium Carbon boron 4 / 25 Coal having 60% of carbon content is called:- bituminous lignite anthracite peat 5 / 25 Formula of palmitic acid is:- C16H32COOH C15H31COOH C18H36COOH C17H35COOH 6 / 25 Tyndall effect is shown by Sugar solution Paints Jelly Chalk solution 7 / 25 The electronegativity of chlorine is: 3.0 3.2 4 2.7 8 / 25 The most reactive metal is Cesium Aluminum Iron Gold 9 / 25 In an irreversible reaction dynamic equilibrium : Establish after the completion of reaction Establish before completion of reaction Establish readily Never establish 10 / 25 Funk discovered vitamin C(cratinin) Sucrose urea B(thiamin) 11 / 25 If NH₄Cl reacts with H₂O then it forms? NH₄H NH₄Na NH₄OH NH₄Cl 12 / 25 Which one of the following is not amorphous:- glass glucose rubber plastic 13 / 25 The mass of one molecule of water is:- 18 g 18 kg 18 amu 18 mg 14 / 25 The amount of energy given out when an electron is added to an atom is called: Electronegativity Ionization Energy Lattice energy Electron Affinity 15 / 25 The radios of carbon atom is: 154pm 155pm 77pm 38pm 16 / 25 How many carbon are present in heptane 6 7 5 4 17 / 25 Colorof flame of sodium is: Brilliant white golden yellow crimson violet 18 / 25 Bleaching powder is the example of:- normal slt acidic salt mixed salt basic salt 19 / 25 Which of the following is not a triatomic molecule: H₂O H₂ CO₂ O₃ 20 / 25 Which is a strong electrolyte:- H2O Ca(OH)2 CH3COOH NaOH 21 / 25 Traces of acetylene are present in coal gas about: 0.08% 0.06% 0.09% 0.07% 22 / 25 Which one is shortest period in periodic table:- second fourth first third 23 / 25 The oxidation number of oxygen in OF2 is:- +2 -2 -1 +1 24 / 25 Transfer of electrons between atoms results in Ionic bonding Covalent bonding Coordinate covalent bonding Metallic bonding 25 / 25 Non metals form oxides: Strong Basic Amphoteric Acidic Basic Your score is Restart quiz Subscribe our Channel Here Apply Here for Online Registration