Cloud Computing Quiz

Cloud Computing Quiz




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Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing Quiz

1 / 25

Which one is the application of cloud computing:-

2 / 25

Which one is a kind of open standard protocol:-

3 / 25

Representational  state  transfer is  the  standard  interface  between :-

4 / 25

________________ has many of the characteristics of what is now being called cloud computing:-

5 / 25

Which architectural standard working with cloud computing industry:-

6 / 25

To publish  a REST  service  with spring   accessing  data from third party  rest  services :-

7 / 25

Which one is a classic example of an laaS service model;-

8 / 25

___________ captive requires that the cloud accommodate multiple compliance regimes:-

9 / 25

Application that works with cloud computing that have low margins and usually low risks are:-

10 / 25

A ________ system  uses  components  to  assemble  services that  can be   tailored  for a  specific  purpose  using  standard  parts :-

11 / 25

Which term indicate that information is to be read only  b those people for whom it is intended:-

12 / 25

The Infrastructure as a service provide a type of isolated environment to each customer individually by using;-

13 / 25

Which is one of the backend's built in component of cloud computing:-

14 / 25

A composable  component must be   modular ;-

15 / 25

In __________ the virtual machine stimulates hardware, through which it can be independent of the underlying system hardware:-

16 / 25

Which subject  area  deals  with   pay as  you  go  usage model ;-

17 / 25

Process that prevent some one from denying that she accessed resource:-

18 / 25

Cloud computing  support some   application  features  better  than others ;-

19 / 25

Which one is not the component of SCADA system;-

20 / 25

in this  type of cloud,  the cloud  is   composed of  multiple  internal  or  external  cloud :-

21 / 25

Saas support  multiple  user and provides  a  shared data model through ___________ model ;-

22 / 25

Which can be considered as the benefit of PaaS:-

23 / 25

Clouds  are  standardized  in order to  appeal  to the majority of its  audience ;-

24 / 25

The _________ blurs the difference between a small deployment and a large one:-

25 / 25

Virtual machines are containers that are assigned specific resources:-

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