Cloud Computing Quiz

Cloud Computing Quiz




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Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing Quiz

1 / 25

Tape library is an example of  nearline   storage :-

2 / 25

The OpenID and Card space specification support the authentication type of data object:-

3 / 25

MaaS is currently still an emerging piece of cloud jigsaw:-

4 / 25

Which technology work behind the loud computing platform:-

5 / 25

Which  benefit  is  provided  by the paas  service  provider:-

6 / 25

The type of AMI provided by AWS are:-

7 / 25

Every call  to   publish  will return  a  class  that conforms  to the  ___________  inteface :-

8 / 25

Which is  a PCI  CaaS  service ;-

9 / 25

The  technology  used  to distribute  request  to resource  is referred to as ;-

10 / 25

VMware's technology is based on:-

11 / 25

SaaS model can easily scale up or scale down according to the condition:-

12 / 25

Which of the following is not leading vendor of laaS:-

13 / 25

Unmanaged  storage is  reliable :-

14 / 25

Security  methods  such  as  private  encryption,  VLANs  and  firewalls  comes  under  subject area;-

15 / 25

Which architectural standard is working with cloud computing service;-

16 / 25

Which frameworks uses i card metaphor:-

17 / 25

Clouds  are  standardized  in order to  appeal  to the majority of its  audience ;-

18 / 25

When  you publish a message ______________ is  automatically created ;-

19 / 25

Cloud  computing  does not have   vulnerabilities  associated  with internet  applications;-

20 / 25

Which network  resource can be  load  balanced :-

21 / 25

SaaS is the cloud based equivalent of shrink wrapped software:-

22 / 25

Which language  is used to built  a  message  server queue in twitter ;-

23 / 25

Open source software used in SaaS is called __________ SaaS:-

24 / 25

A network backbone is  very low capacity network  connection;-

25 / 25

Communication between services  is done  widely  using  __________ protocol;-

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