Public Relations Quiz

Public Relations Quiz




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Public Relations

Public Relations Quiz

1 / 25

_________ describe all forms   of human communication that are not verbal ;-

2 / 25

The message is   misinterpreted because  of the :-

3 / 25

Investment support  can cause  ___________ in the Market :-

4 / 25

Downward  communication  flows  from people  at higher   level to  those at   lower  level in  an organization;-

5 / 25

Who was the first prime Minister of  Pakistan:-

6 / 25

Where was   Lumier  Brother's  first  screening of   films  held ;-

7 / 25

The term collective  security was coined in the ;-

8 / 25

In a TV receiver antenna   the length of  reflector  rod ;-

9 / 25

Kingfisher  advertisement   of mineral  water  is an example of  :-

10 / 25

Wilson was awarded the Nobel prize   in :-

11 / 25

It is  important to consider    proper ___________   room where   you are  giving your  presentation :-

12 / 25

Debentures  holders of a company  are its ;-

13 / 25

Which one is responsible for   the fluctuations in the senses ;-

14 / 25

A _____________ is an index  to business   condition prevailing in a  particular   market at a  specific   period  :-

15 / 25

A negative financial   situation  characterized  by a lack of cash  flow  is known as :-

16 / 25

PRSI operates through  ____________  regional chapters   throughout   the country with  a membership  exceeding 3000;-

17 / 25

What is communication   without words :-

18 / 25

The response to  a  sender's   message  is called ;-

19 / 25

The  important component of   evaluative  listening is :-

20 / 25

In a group discussion, one must  communicate  with ;-

21 / 25

_________  is an example of  external  tool of  PR ;-

22 / 25

SSB can be generated  by :-

23 / 25

The plural of hero is ;-

24 / 25

The hurdles in the way of  collective  security are ;-

25 / 25

In tender process, the deposit made  to a seller   showing   the buyer's   good  faith  is termed as ;-

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