Pedagogical Quiz

Pedagogical Quiz




Shaheen Leader Academy

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Pedagogical / Educators / Lecturers Tests

Pedagogical / Educators / Lecturers Quiz

1 / 25

According to Edward  Thorndike  , Learning  is  about   responding  to ;-

2 / 25

According to Piaget's theory   of cognitive development  , the  concrete   operational stage   start at age of ;-

3 / 25

Who was the founder of  Darul Ulom  Deoband ;-

4 / 25

Hilda Taba   was expert in  the field of  :-

5 / 25

Who said curriculum   should be relevant  to student lives :-

6 / 25

The study of the physical  , social  and mental  aspects  of aging  is called :-

7 / 25

The teachers wants   students   to practice  by repitition  of some  learning   content ,  he   use  __________ method ;-

8 / 25

Jean Piaget   proposed _________ stages of   cognitive  development :-

9 / 25

Aesthetics sense is developed   through :-

10 / 25

Which is placed   at the highest   level   of learning in affective  domain  :-

11 / 25

Pedagogy is the  study of ;-

12 / 25

Casual leave is applied for ;-

13 / 25

Which   strategies   is problem   centered :-

14 / 25

The process of  reasoning  from one or more   given statement  to reach a logically   certain   conclusion  is called :-

15 / 25

Bright  students   can be motivated   well by :-

16 / 25

'Test of specification' helps in :-

17 / 25

Thorndike   gives how many concepts   of intelligence :-

18 / 25

Micro teaching   focuses on competency   over ;-

19 / 25

To break information  into parts and  to examine   the information  is called ;-

20 / 25

Progressivism   believes  that children  learn  in a ;-

21 / 25

What is the main purpose   of basic   education scheme ;-

22 / 25

The focus   of cognitive   domain is ;-

23 / 25

In norm  reference   test the comparison  is  between :-

24 / 25

Which is not the focal point   of triangular  process of teaching :-

25 / 25

The appearance  of normal curve   resembles   with  ;-

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