Mechatronics Quiz

Mechatronics Engineering Quiz




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Mechatronics Engineering

Mechatronics Engineering Quiz

1 / 25

Which is a application of   digital signal   processing ;-

2 / 25

Which sensor is   used for  monitor   electric   distribution   and switching  equipment   temperature :-

3 / 25

Capacitive transducer  displays :-

4 / 25

Which represent   active transducer ;-

5 / 25

The largest value   for which the instrument   output remain  zero is ;-

6 / 25

In reading the column   of matrix  , if no key is   pressed  we should  get all in binary   notation;-

7 / 25

Based on design   , which control system is simpler ;-

8 / 25

What detect the fault in the anti lock  braking system  :-

9 / 25

Scale factor is inverse of   sensitivity ;-

10 / 25

The main function  of Actuator  is ;-

11 / 25

In a J-K  flip flop   , if J=K  the resulting  flip flop is referred  to as :-

12 / 25

Which is the input of the   data acquisition  system  to which a transducer    is connected called ;-

13 / 25

The fuel supply of  the engine in the engine  management   system is controlled by  :-

14 / 25

What is the full form of MCB;-

15 / 25

What is the   function  of an input  signal conditioning   unit ;-

16 / 25

The built in intelligence  provided   through ;-

17 / 25

Energy during actual punching  operation is same as  the energy   supplied  by the motor:-

18 / 25

Where the  word  Mechatronics   invented ;-

19 / 25

Which is not a characteristics  of an ideal  transducer ;-

20 / 25

Who invented   Electro  cardiogram  :-

21 / 25

What is the input of data  acquisition   system   to which a   transducer   is connected   called ;-

22 / 25

Which is the  drive  in which  each machine   has  separate   motors   to drive ;-

23 / 25

Which one is true ;-

24 / 25

The most inconvenient   method for   parking is ;-

25 / 25

Which   of the following   is not the   component  of a SCADA  system ;-

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