Mechatronics Quiz

Mechatronics Engineering Quiz




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Mechatronics Engineering

Mechatronics Engineering Quiz

1 / 25

An electronic device which  converts  physical quantity   or energy   from one   form to another  is called ;-

2 / 25

Induction motor   works  on the principle of  faradays  law of  electromagnetic  induction;-

3 / 25

Associative law   for  summing point   is applicable    only to those   summing points   which are  _________ connected  to each other ;-

4 / 25

Electro cardiogram  is an example of data  acquisition   system :-

5 / 25

Group  drive  has lo power  factor :-

6 / 25

The sequential  circuit is also called ;-

7 / 25

VFD stands for :-

8 / 25

Force exerted by magnetic field  in Hall effect   transducers   is ;-

9 / 25

The type of transfer   function  used in  Bode  plot is :-

10 / 25

In a horizontal engine  , reciprocating  parts are   retarded  when the piston  moves from ;-

11 / 25

Piston  effort acts along the line of stroke :-

12 / 25

What is a type of   piezoelectric  crystal :-

13 / 25

An interpreter  does not compile a program    further  if  an error is found ;-

14 / 25

What is not the effect of unbalanced forces ;-

15 / 25

If a force has  a line of action  at a  distance   h from  the centre  of gravity , then the  value of h is  given  by ;-

16 / 25

What are the application of  PLC  in mechatronics ;-

17 / 25

Force applied   by dashpot   is proportional   to the velocity of an  object in ;-

18 / 25

The function of the code generator is   :-

19 / 25

The punch tape reader  in a CNC   machine is   a ;:-

20 / 25

Following acts as  detector in Optical centre:-

21 / 25

Which is incorrect   regarding   inertia force ;-

22 / 25

Which is an example of   motor   driver ;-

23 / 25

The main function  of Actuator  is ;-

24 / 25

A potentiometer   can not be used for calibration of ammeter ;-

25 / 25

Which is not a dynamic  characteristics ;-

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