Chemical Engineering Quiz

Chemical Enginering Quiz




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Chemical Engineering

Chemical Engineering Quiz

1 / 25

Global  warming  may result in '=

2 / 25

Addition of  zircon  to  silica refractory  brick  improve  its :-

3 / 25

The main factor  on which the behavior of mass of fuidised solid depends is the:-

4 / 25

The equivalent  diameter  for pressure drop calculation for a duct of square cross section is given by:-

5 / 25

Pressure drop in a packed bed for turbulent flow is given by the _____________ equation:-

6 / 25

Which metal is  protected by the layer of its own oxides ;-

7 / 25

Fresh  sewage  is  ------------- in nature ;-

8 / 25

If the head over the triangular notch is doubled , the discharge will increase by _______________ times:-

9 / 25

Which consideration is  not an important one for  Ball mining -

10 / 25

With increase in  shear rate, the apparent viscosity of pseudoplastic fluids:-

11 / 25

The  lowest  layer of  atmosphere is  known as :-

12 / 25

Maximum  consumption of  zinc  is  in ;-

13 / 25

Which is used  in dried  culture  preservation;-

14 / 25

The temperature at  which new  grains are  formed in a  metal is known as the  recrystallisation temperature :-

15 / 25

The ratio of inertial force to gravity force is called the ___________ number:-

16 / 25

The pressure and power requirement of a gas fan at constant speed varies _________________ the gas density:-

17 / 25

A perfect gas has constant specific heat;-

18 / 25

If a person studies about a fluid which is at rest, what will you call his domain of study;-

19 / 25

In fluid flow , the boundary layer separation can not occur :-

20 / 25

Shear stress in a fluid flowing in a round pipe is _________________ at the centre :-

21 / 25

Vene anemometer is an area meter:-

22 / 25

Which  is not  present  in  bagasse  fibre ;-

23 / 25

Liquid delivery by centrifugal pump starts , only when the head developed by it is equal to the _________ head:-

24 / 25

Permissible  safe limit of  __________  toxic  gas  is  100-1000  parts  per  million  ;-

25 / 25

Which is  the major drawback of  the  advanced  numerical  techniques  in nanofluidics ;-

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