Chemical Engineering Quiz

Chemical Enginering Quiz




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Chemical Engineering

Chemical Engineering Quiz

1 / 25

The yield  factor  does not  vary  upon  which of the following :-

2 / 25

An ideal fluid is ;-

3 / 25

The ratio of the inertia force to the _____________ is called Euler's number:-

4 / 25

Dry air  is  a mixture of :-

5 / 25

An  elastic  behavior of  material  is  expressed  in  terms  of;-

6 / 25

Refractories  subjected  to  alternate  cycles  of   heating   and  cooling  are  liable   to loose  their  resistance to :-

7 / 25

One poise is equivalent to one:-

8 / 25

One horse power is equal to:-

9 / 25

Viscosity of  atmospheric  air may be about  __________ centipoise ;-

10 / 25

In case of supersonic flow of a fluid through pipeline, the ' Mach Number' is:-

11 / 25

Growth of  __________ is  promoted   by the   presence  of manganese in water ;-

12 / 25

The discharge  co efficient for an orificemeter does not depend upon the:-

13 / 25

Salt content in sea water is about ____________ %:-

14 / 25

For an ideal gas,  the  compressibility  factor :-

15 / 25

In water treatment plant,  zeolite  process is  used to remove the ______________ of  water :-

16 / 25

Tin  has  _________ allotropic forms :-

17 / 25

Which is  an  environment friendly  preparation  method of polymer nanoparticles ;-

18 / 25

In case of a pipe of  constant cross sectional area, the maximum fluid velocity obtainable is:-

19 / 25

Check is centrifugal pump is provided in the discharge line:-

20 / 25

The unit  of  dynamic  viscosity is ;-

21 / 25

Pressure drag does not depend upon the:-

22 / 25

Heat capacity  of  a  diatomic  gas is  higher than that of a monoatomic gas :-

23 / 25

There are  thirteen  metals  which are treated as  pollutants. Which  metals  is not  a pollutant:-

24 / 25

Draining of shallow pits is done by a sump pump, which is a ____________ pump:-

25 / 25

Dead mild  steel ,  which contains  0.10  to 015 %  carbon is  used for  making :-

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