Town Planning Quiz

Town Planning Quiz




Shaheen Leader Academy

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Town Planning & Urban Management Quiz

Town Planning & Urban Management Quiz

1 / 25

Systems  are  formal  and  informal   rules and  regulations   that  complement  the  company  ____ :-

2 / 25

When  fixed assets  are  sold   there is  no change  in the Total   assets ;-

3 / 25

Which will not   be considered  as a formal   organization ;-

4 / 25

Which is not related  to  municipal  administration:-

5 / 25

A city should be divided    into suitable  zone such as :-

6 / 25

Closed  contours  with higher  value inwards  represent a ;-

7 / 25

Which  is  not   a  revenue   expenditure :-

8 / 25

Which is not  covered  by the role  of  Municipal  council :-

9 / 25

Around  ____________ BC   cities  of  Mohenjo Daro  and  Harappa   came   into being :-

10 / 25

The  true  and  mean  suns  occupy  the  same  meridian  at the same time on ;-

11 / 25

The word's  first cities   appeared  about :-

12 / 25

Various  activities  of  a  project  are  shown  on  bar chart  by :-

13 / 25

The  constraints   in case of  resource  smoothening  operation  would be ;-

14 / 25

Pessimistic  time  estimate refers  to  activities :-

15 / 25

Which  strategy  involves   introducing  new  products   to  existing  markets :-

16 / 25

In neighborhood  planning   population  is  _______________ which  one primary  school is  required :pp

17 / 25

In how many types  were the village   classified  in Mansara ;-

18 / 25

Critical path method  is  not  event  oriented :-

19 / 25

Which  does  not  represent   an activity :-

20 / 25

Which  is  a representative   personal  A/c:-

21 / 25

The  first  intellectual  associated  with the study of Urban  neighborhood was :-

22 / 25

Characteristics  of slums  are :-

23 / 25

Who  is  associated  with Ecological  Approach On Urban growth :-

24 / 25

The  most suitable  type  of equipment   for  compaction  of cohesive  soils  is :-

25 / 25

Which  is  a  personal A/c:-

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