Town Planning Quiz

Town Planning Quiz




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Town Planning & Urban Management Quiz

Town Planning & Urban Management Quiz

1 / 25

Prepaid  expenses  appearing  in trial  balance will appear  in  balance  sheet  asset  side :-

2 / 25

The  basic  concept  related  to  Balance   sheets  are  ;-

3 / 25

The  study of neighborhood  mainly  began  from the :-

4 / 25

Latitude  of  the observer's  position is  equal to altitude of :-

5 / 25

A  young  industry   that  is   beginning  to  form  is  considered   to  be  in ____ stages :-

6 / 25

Prostitution  touches  on :-

7 / 25

Which one is the PERT event :-

8 / 25

Private housing    finance agencies    in INDIA :-

9 / 25

The  goal  of the  cost  leader  is  to  :-

10 / 25

_________ refers  to  the practice of   treating  reason  as the basis of   belief  and knowledge ;-

11 / 25

Time  and  progress  charts  of  a  construction  is also known as ;-

12 / 25

Amount  paid  to  Gagan   posted  to  the credit  side  of  his  account  would  affect :-

13 / 25

The  time  with which  direct   cost  does not  reduce   with the  increase  in time  is  known as :-

14 / 25

The  float may be  positive , zero  or  negative :-

15 / 25

If  the  consignee  is  allowed  del   credere  commission ,  the  he  bears  loss  due  to  bad  debts ;-

16 / 25

Planning  process  began with :-

17 / 25

Which  is  responsible  for the   diffusion of urban  culture  to  rural  areas :-

18 / 25

Cash  book  is  a   subsidiary book  as  well  as  a ledger :-

19 / 25

Who is the author of the book 'Pre  Industrial City ':-

20 / 25

According to Max Weber,  Plebian  cities  are the outcomes  of :-

21 / 25

The  closing   balance  of  a  petty cash   book  is  a  ;-

22 / 25

Strategic  management  involves  the   directing  ,   and  controlling  of  a  company's   strategy   related  decision  and  actions :-

23 / 25

Conservatve   surgery  in planning  will  result  in  more or less  a  renewal  process :-

24 / 25

A  dummy  activity  is  artificially introduced :-

25 / 25

Returns  inward   account  is  a  personal  account :-

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