Space Sciences Quiz

Space Sciences Quiz




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Space Sciences

Space Sciences Quiz

1 / 25

Spring  tides  occur when  the moon, the sun  and the earth   are in the same line :-

2 / 25

Which planet reflect back   to space   the highest   percentage   of light  it receives   from the   sun than any   other planet  of the solar system :-

3 / 25

A pulsar s a type of :-

4 / 25

Latitude and Longitude  both :-

5 / 25

In the sun,  a process that produces  huge amount  of energy   takes  place. It is called :-

6 / 25

The inner most layer of sun's atmosphere is ;-

7 / 25

Copernicus   believes  the center of universe  is the ;-

8 / 25

The position of a planet   when it is nearest   to the  sun is called :-

9 / 25

After sun, which is the closest  star to the earth :-

10 / 25

Which planet is dropped from the list of planets in 2006:-

11 / 25

The planets  are kept in  motion in their   respective   orbits by :-

12 / 25

One light year is  equal to ;-

13 / 25

The planet with the shortest rotation   time around  its axis   is ;-

14 / 25

Evidence suggests  that life  on earth  has existed  for about :-

15 / 25

Aryabhatta, India's first  ISRO satellite   , was launched   on 19th  April 1975 :-

16 / 25

Which planet has rings around   it surface :-

17 / 25

Which of these  contains large quantities of   ice:-

18 / 25

Which is the most predominant   in the composition of   atmosphere:-

19 / 25

The planets having 13 moons  is :-

20 / 25

When earth is in front of   the sun,  it means that it is ;-

21 / 25

How many layers are present in the atmosphere of the sun:-

22 / 25

Leap year consist of _________ days :-

23 / 25

How many times  zones  has the  world been divided  into :-

24 / 25

What do most   asteroids  orbit :-

25 / 25

The  measure temperature  , scientist use the  unit :-

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