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LAW-Graduate Assesment Test

Law-GAT Test Quiz

1 / 25

Who is  the Supreme   legislative   body of Pakistan :-

2 / 25

A foreign  state can sue in any court  if such state  has been recognized by ;-

3 / 25

When the   first  constituent  assembly  was  dissolved in  1954, its speaker was :-

4 / 25

Under Article   203F  of the   Constitution  appeal  can be made  to  Supreme  court   against  the decision  of  :-

5 / 25

The first   constitution   Assembly   approved   the  National  Flag   of Pakistan  in its  session held on :-

6 / 25

The French  commune  can be compared to  Pakistan's '=

7 / 25

Who is  vested with the power to   conduct   identification  parade :--

8 / 25

The doctrine of open sea was   eloborated  by ;-

9 / 25

Order XL  of CPC deals with ;-

10 / 25

The constitution of   Pakistan 's   2nd  amendment   was made on ;-

11 / 25

The term men of  war signifies :-

12 / 25

The  High court   decided   the proceeding   of council   of  elders  as  _________ under FCRs 1901 :-

13 / 25

Al-Jehad  Trust  filed   petition   federation  through :-

14 / 25

Section 190 CrPC     deals  with cognizance of  offence  by ;-

15 / 25

The chairman shall summon  senate   within 14  das of   the receipts of the  requisition:-

16 / 25

Constitution of  1973 consist of  __________ schedules :-

17 / 25

___________ articles  were  substituted   through  18th amendment :-

18 / 25

Article  16 deals  with :-

19 / 25

A corporation is  ;-

20 / 25

The President under   Article   ___________  of   the constitution   shall  constitute National  Economic   Council ;-

21 / 25

The bulk of  the rules of  the   international law   are derived  from:-

22 / 25

Constitution of  1973  consist of  _____   schedules ;-

23 / 25

Legislation  precedent   , custom and   agreement   are sub division of :-

24 / 25

To become  Advocate general  ,  the   person  must be  qualified   to be ;-

25 / 25

Limitation Act  1908  promulgated   on  first day  of January  1909 :-

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