Weapon Engineering Quiz

Weapon Engineering Quiz




Shaheen Leader Academy

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Weapon Engineering

Weapon Engineering Quiz

1 / 25

Magnesium and its alloys   are suitable   too use in the construction of helicopter:-

2 / 25

The  word 'Dismarmament'  conveys  the meaning of ;-

3 / 25

The typical  method  for determining  fuel  weight   used is called   as ;-

4 / 25

How many  countries   have successfully   detonated  nuclear weapons ;-

5 / 25

Maximum carbon content   in welding is  usually   limited to ;-

6 / 25

Double  barreled   Howdah  is  which type of firearm;-

7 / 25

Which is a part of   take off  weight   estimation ;-

8 / 25

Trigger operation consist of  ____________ Pulls :-

9 / 25

Fuel requirement is not  affected by any factor :-

10 / 25

Basic  safety rules are ;-

11 / 25

Which state is a Dejure   Nuclear   weapon state :-

12 / 25

Stress  concentration  in cyclic  loading  is more serious   in :-

13 / 25

Hot working or cold working   which reduces   strains   hardening   and residual   stresses ;-

14 / 25

Which is true for  aluminium :-

15 / 25

By the relation between the angle of attack ,   lift coefficient   , and drag   coefficient  can airfoil  be characterized ;-

16 / 25

The process used for making   bolts and  nuts is :-

17 / 25

The   airfoil of  NACA 0012   is  symmetric :-

18 / 25

A connecting  rod is  deigned   as a ;-

19 / 25

Base   drag is   affected   by boat  tailing ;-

20 / 25

The Bhumi shastra   magazine  of the  weapon  will be  facing :-

21 / 25

Initial guess of   gross weight   will be same for   every   aircraft ;-

22 / 25

Inlet location will not affect engine   performance :-

23 / 25

Yield   strength   is defined  as  the maximum  stress at which a marked   increase in elongation  occurs  without   increase in :-

24 / 25

Material  with ____________ are typically used  in aircraft   construction :-

25 / 25

We should avoid   placing   heavy   items behind   or above people :-

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