Weapon Engineering Quiz

Weapon Engineering Quiz




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Weapon Engineering

Weapon Engineering Quiz

1 / 25

Which factor affect creep :-

2 / 25

Fulcrum  can be  located  at one  end of the   lever :-

3 / 25

Which is a part of turbine   engine ;-

4 / 25

The region of safety   in maximum  shear stress   theory  contains which shapes :-

5 / 25

In order to improve   vulnerability   consideration   , we can use :-

6 / 25

Factor of safety   for fatigue  loading  is the ratio of  endurance limit    to the working   stress ;-

7 / 25

Ceramics  consist of  :-

8 / 25

Which material is used in   making  aircraft windows ;-

9 / 25

Which  contain  copper  :-

10 / 25

If friction angle   is 30'  then the   maximum   efficiency of   the screw is ;-

11 / 25

The Bhumi shastra   magazine  of the  weapon  will be  facing :-

12 / 25

Take off  gross weight  of an   aircraft is   summation of _______;-

13 / 25

The first revolving   firearms  have how many ammunition  chambers ;-

14 / 25

Stress concentration  factor is   defined  as the ratio of   maximum stress  to   the ____________ :-

15 / 25

Tr  40 x 14( p 7),   here 14 indicates :-

16 / 25

Which cotter joint will   be used  to connect   strap  end of  a connecting   rod :-

17 / 25

Lewis  equation is applied   ;-

18 / 25

V threads are highly  recommended for   fastening   as well as power transmission  purpose :-

19 / 25

How many   modes are there  for crack  propagation:-

20 / 25

For general  industrial  machinery , the ratio of the length  of journal   to its diameter   is taken as ;-

21 / 25

For ground background  , camouflage   paint   scheme  consist   :-

22 / 25

In helical gears ,  the    right  hand  helixes  on one  gear   will mesh   ____________ helixes   on the other gear ;-

23 / 25

Which pair of gears  usually   has  high friction losses ;-

24 / 25

The temperature at which   the  new  grains   are formed  in the metal   is known as ;-

25 / 25

_______ is key parameter   for  vulnerability ;-

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