Nuclear Stuides Quiz

Nuclear Stuies Quiz




Shaheen Leader Academy

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Nuclear Studies

Nuclear Studies Quiz

1 / 25

A nucleus whose n/p ratio lies  above or below  the stability belt is ;-

2 / 25

The age of an   old piece  of  a wood can   be calculated by knowing  the concentration of :-

3 / 25

In Kalpakkam Fast Breeder Reactor,more than 200 Mwatt atomic electricity  would be produced from it-

4 / 25

Reactor power   is directly   proportional   to neutron density :-

5 / 25

Nucleus is __________:-

6 / 25

What does the top of the  pressurizer in  pressurized  water reactor  consist of  at primary system pressure :-

7 / 25

Which type of decay might convert  Pb-214 to Bi 214:-

8 / 25

Control rods are made of  :-

9 / 25

The ionization produced by  B-particles  in a gas is about  ___________ of that  of alpha particles :-

10 / 25

In the nuclear reaction , 93N239,→93Pu239 +?,  the missing particle is a:-

11 / 25

Which atomic particle   have the least mass:-

12 / 25

An atom with   even number  of protons  is more stable :-

13 / 25

A Beta emission results in the production of ;-

14 / 25

When Xe123 emit a gamma rays , what will be the product :-

15 / 25

Alpha particles are helium nucleus  with a charge of :-

16 / 25

The nucleus  of an atom  of I-131 consist of ____________ protons and _________ neutrons:-:-

17 / 25

Which metal can be used for  producing  electricity:-

18 / 25

Radioactivity is a :-

19 / 25

The moderator used in a fast breeder  nuclear reactor is   :-

20 / 25

An increase in atomic number results by  ______________ radioactive decay :-

21 / 25

In an alpha emission,  the parent atom  will be displaced  to a group  ;-

22 / 25

The characteristics of a super conductor is ;-

23 / 25

Parity of Protium  , for the ground state will be :-

24 / 25

The International panel on Fossil Materials is an  organ of  International Atomic Energy  Agency:-

25 / 25

Which type of  decay might  convert Th-230 to Ra -226:-

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