Data Sciences Quiz

Data Sciences Quiz




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Data Sciences

Data Sciences Quiz

1 / 25

Which thing can be   data in pandas ;-

2 / 25

Select the field that has  width  8 bytes :-

3 / 25

There are  three types of   random  variables ;-

4 / 25

Which of the following  web hosting  service    use Git  control system ;-

5 / 25

Data mining  is    the actual   discovery  phase of  a knowledge ;-

6 / 25

A low level of data  model is also called :-

7 / 25

The entity and relationship in an   E-R diagram   is represented by ;-

8 / 25

The _________ project  builds on  top of Pandas  and matplotlib  to provide  easy  plotting  of data ;-

9 / 25

Which commands allow you to   change directory   to one level  above your   parent  directory ;-

10 / 25

What is a web crawler ;-

11 / 25

Lucene core   is a high performance search   server  built using :-

12 / 25

Subsetting  can be used   to select and exclude  variables  and observations ;-

13 / 25

Which analytical  capabilities   are provided by information  management   company :-

14 / 25

CLI stands for :-

15 / 25

The link entities   with one  another are represented in;-

16 / 25

Which algorithm uses the   least   memory ;-

17 / 25

The association established  between common field   in two tables  is called :-

18 / 25

Which form of the data model   is used  for the focuses   concept in the same   ways  as data  stored  in the computer system   that can be classified as ;-

19 / 25

A query   can also allow   performing  a  calculation  on a different number of field ;-

20 / 25

A random variable   is a numerical  outcome  of an experiment :-

21 / 25

Dependencies   are checked  explicity   in caching   caveates ;-

22 / 25

The integer   format tracks   only the  locations  and sized of   blocks  of  data ;-

23 / 25

The entity is  represented   in the E-R  diagram ;-

24 / 25

The binomial  random  variables  are obtained  as the sum of   iid  Gaussian  trials ;-

25 / 25

Which function take only  single value as input ;-

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