Chemical Engineering Quiz Warning: Undefined array key "HTTP_SEC_FETCH_SITE" in /home/shaheenl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/quiz-maker/includes/class-quiz-maker-iframe.php on line 71 17 Welcome to Shaheen Leader Academy We expect 100% result. Click on Start Button. Your time is Ended. Thanks Chemical Engineering Chemical Engineering Quiz 1 / 25 A pitched blade turbine draws____________ a straight blade turbine:- less power than more power than same power as 2 / 25 The discharge co efficient for an orificemeter does not depend upon the:- Both a, b Pipe length Pipe diameter 3 / 25 Fluid flow in a ________ is an example of pressure flow:- River Pipe Open channel 4 / 25 Reingelmann chart no.2 corresponds to the _____ % black smoke :- 10 20 40 5 / 25 Tin can be readily and very easily drawn into very fine wire ;- False True 6 / 25 Which one is a Newtanian fluid:- Non colloidal solution Sewage Sludge Rubber latex 7 / 25 Nominal size of a pipe is indication of its _______ diameter:- inner approximate outer 8 / 25 Which is incorrect regarding the projection lithography :- No deterioration No contact Poor resolution 9 / 25 Which is not involved in a CVD process :- Formation of structure of pattern from pre existing parts Reaction of gases Thermal decomposition of gases 10 / 25 Which equation is valid for laminar flow of a fluid through a packed bed:- Hagen Poiseuille equation Kozney Kerman equation Fanning equation 11 / 25 Upto what value of 'Mach number' a fluid may be considered as incompressible:- 0.03 0.3 3 12 / 25 Pressure drop in a fluidised bed reactor is __________ tan in similar bed reactor;- less than more than same as 13 / 25 Maximum permissible residual chlorine in treated water should be _______ mg/litre ;- 2 to 3 5 to 10 0.2 to 0.3 14 / 25 If the head over the triangular notch is doubled , the discharge will increase by _______________ times:- 5.657 4 2 15 / 25 Which method involves sublimations of cell water ;- Lyophilization Cryopreservation Dried culture 16 / 25 A saturated vapor on being compressed would :- Condense Form wet steam Both a b 17 / 25 Nominal size of a discharge pipe of a pump is usually ____________ the nominal size of the inlet pipe:- Twice Larger than Same as Smaller than 18 / 25 Pitot tube measures ___________ of the fluid:- Pressure Average velocity Point velocity 19 / 25 Choose the correct top down process from the given set of option;- CVD Ball milling PVD 20 / 25 The fluid property due to which mercury does not wet the glass is:- Cohesion viscosity Surface tension 21 / 25 Propeller type centrifugal pumps are most suitable for:- High capacity at high heads High capacity at low heads Low capacity at high heads 22 / 25 ________________ provides the third principle in fluid mechanics:- Conservation of volume Conservation of mass Conservation of Heat Conservation of linear momentum 23 / 25 Which equation must be perfunctorily satisfied while dealing with fluid flow problem:- Law of conservation of momentum Continuity equation Newton's third law 24 / 25 Theoretical head developed by a centrifugal pump does not depend upon the ________________ impeller:- speed of none of them fluid velocity radius of 25 / 25 One horse power is equal to:- 650 lbf. ft/second 550 lbf. ft/second 750 lbf. ft/second Your score is Restart quiz Subscribe our Channel Here