Everyday Science Questions

Everyday Science MCQs




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Every Day Science Quiz

Every Day Science Quiz

1 / 25

Gulf streams are caused by___________________:-

2 / 25

Sun is divided into __________ main layers:-

3 / 25

Tetraethyl lead is used as ________________:-

4 / 25

What is meant by phonetics:-

5 / 25

In general, wind speed of 10-13 kph caused;-

6 / 25

The diameter of solid dust particles is:-

7 / 25

A lake starts freezing because of cold atmosphere . It will first freeze:-

8 / 25

Bhopal gas tragedy in 1984 was caused by:-

9 / 25

What is called a physical, Mathematical of Logical representation of a natural phenomenon:-

10 / 25

Which of the following is a  force:-

11 / 25

Bleaching action of chlorine is by:-

12 / 25

How many numbers of sparks plug needed in a diesel engine:-

13 / 25

What kinds of glass is used generally in mankind of the Bullet proof screen;-

14 / 25

Two thirds of the world's known oil reserves are located in --------:-

15 / 25

The E1 Nino disappears in March and re appear in:-

16 / 25

Mesons are found in_______:-

17 / 25

Fan was invented by:-

18 / 25

___________ is one of the most endangered species of Pakistani birds:-

19 / 25

An instrument to detect purity of milk is:-

20 / 25

Which metal remain liquid under normal conditions;-

21 / 25

Which one is a disease caused by virus:-

22 / 25

Pollution is any undesirable change in Physical , chemical and biological characteristics of:-

23 / 25

What is called that disease that is naturally transmissible from human to vertebrate animals:-

24 / 25

Which is an extinct specie;-

25 / 25

Which planet are called Jovian planets:-

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