Finance Accounting

Finance Accounting Quiz




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Finance Accounting

Finance Accounting Quiz

1 / 25

A person who owes   money  to  the business   is  called :-

2 / 25

_________ is  the systematic   assignment  of number to item to classify and organise  them ;-

3 / 25

Saving in respect of cost is treated in capital budgeting as:-

4 / 25

In certainty equivalent approach, adjusted cash flows are discounted at:-

5 / 25

The presence of taxes in capital budgeting analysis will cause;-

6 / 25

What is the example of  wasting asset:-

7 / 25

______________ is the systematic assignment  of number to item to classify and organize them:-

8 / 25

The job of a finance manager is confined to:-

9 / 25

Historical cost concept requires  the  valuation of an asset  at ;-

10 / 25

The appropriate objective of an enterprise is:-

11 / 25

Shortworking  means  -

12 / 25

If the average balance of debtors has increased , which might not show a change in general:-

13 / 25

Payment of honorarium to secretary is treated as;-

14 / 25

Royalties are connected with the following type of business:-

15 / 25

Product cost  include  which  of the following :-

16 / 25

Capital Budgeting Decisions are:-

17 / 25

Double entry means ;-

18 / 25

According  to possible  for an event   which is  not  measurable  in terms  of   money ;-

19 / 25

Risk of a capital budgeting can be incorporated:-

20 / 25

From the point of view lessee, a lease is a:-

21 / 25

Trial  balance  is commonly  prepared  at the end of an accounting period :-

22 / 25

Which financial statement shows a  company's revenue and expense over a period of time:-

23 / 25

The difference between  goods sent  by HO  and  received  by branch is  known as ;

24 / 25

All business need to have which fundamental element:-

25 / 25

Capital  fund  is  calculated  :-

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