Personality Tests (Psychological Tests) are being conducted at PAF Information & Selection Centers & ISSB for the selection of Commissioned Officers, PAF Cadets, JCOs, Education Instructors, Religious Teachers, PAF Airmen, Aero Trades, Aero supports, Air women (FMA)  & civilian staff


Pakistan Defence Forces are well-organized and disciplined forces of Pakistan which maintain high sense of integrity and discipline amongst their all ranks and files. As we all know that discipline is the backbone of any force which cannot run effectively & efficiently without the very important segment of discipline. Similarly, Pakistan Air Force is a high-tech and super-sonic force, elite institution, second to none and great pride for Pakistani nation.


Discipline in Pakistan Armed Forces always comes from the punctuality in physical, educational, moral & military training and grooming of personality of a soldier, cadet or officer. If the personality of the military soldier is well-groomed and well-trained, ultimately he would show a high sense of responsibility in his obedience with the highest rating of discipline as well.


Personality of any PAF Officers, Airmen, Air women, Junior Commissioned Officer, Cadets or PAF civilians is always judged / assessed / measured during their initial and final selection tests / interviews which are conducted to assess their personality traits.


Pak Army, Pak Navy and PAF are always manned by all the citizens of Pakistan including Muslims, Christians, Hindus, Sikhs and specially the all Sects / Masaalik / Casts / Sub Casts and all schools of thought of the society. However, the officers, JCO’s, Airmen, Air women and civilian of these defence forces are totally free to observe their prayers, meditations and religious obligations according to their religion, sect and fiqah as they are belonging to the various walks of life.


PAF and other sister forces of Pakistan does not allow anybody to disturb, discourage, humiliate, defame, spread sectarian activities, political affiliations within the premises of Army, Navy and PAF as per rules, regulations, existing laws of the Armed Forces. After joining Pakistan Defence Forces in any rank, responsibly lies on the shoulders of newly entrants, cadets, officers or civilians to be away from the political, sectarian, immoral and anti-state activities otherwise they will be punished in a manner as a lesson to others.


Main Points For Successful & Final Selection

Now we shall highlight the following main points which are always addressed / checked and monitored during the entire process of selection of young students / candidates going to join Pakistan Army, Navy or PAF as an airmen or officer in any rank:-


  1. The candidate must be mentally and psychologically a fit person.


  1. The candidate must be well-disciplined, obedient, loyal, sincere, dutiful, positive-mind towards his seniors, juniors and state as well.



  1. He must be sound and stable in his behaviour, conduct, exposure, dealing, relations, habits and manners.


  1. He must not be involved in any of criminal activities like murder, quarrelling, theft, corruption, misconduct, bad character, womanization, homosexual activities, rape assaults, other illicit or immoral activities, adulteration, use of narcotics and alcohol.


  1. He must not be frustrated, mentally disturbed personality and psychological unfit person.


  1. He must be well-aware of social norms, good manners, religion / moral obligations as well.


  1. He must not be a rigid, obstinate or stubborn personality who may create disturbance for others during the performance of his official duties.


  1. He must not be associated with any of foreign intelligence agencies, anti-state elements to Pakistan, anti-armed forces element; terrorist / proscribed organizations within Pakistan are in abroad.


  1. He must be well-educated, well-learned, well-acquainted with country, regional, national and international affairs including general knowledge and current affairs.


  1. He must be a true Pakistani, patriotic soldier and always sincere, loyal, obedient to the legal orders of his seniors and commanders as well as to his state are country by all means. He must be the owner of well-balanced personality, positive mind, devoted, optimistic, diligent, dedicated and must possess highest values of good conduct and personality.


  1. For commissioning in Pakistan army, Pakistan navy and Pakistan Air Force, the personality test of various forms are conducted by the phycologists at selection centers as well as at Inter Services Selection Boards (ISSB) within Pakistan to select the very suitable candidates for Army, Navy and PAF as an officer, JCO, men or civilian. These personality traits are always checked by the designated, well-experienced and professional physiologists.


  1. For selection as an Airman or Airwomen including all trades of PAF airmanship, the following tests are conducted to ensure the best selections of airman or airwomen for PAF. If any doubt or suspicion is created in the mind of selection team, the candidate would not be able to cross this hurdle and qualify the personality test. These tests would be conducted through ONLINE TESTING SYSTEM / SOFTWARE OF PAKISTAN AIRFORCE. The online testing system of PAF is highly transparent and free of errors. Only the capable and efficient students can qualify these tests out of their best abilities.


  • Please visit our Official Website for the preparation of Personality tests & all other tests to join Pakistan Defence Force in any rank and designation. Click on the following link:-


  • Please visit, watch and subscribe our official YouTube Channel (Shaheen Leaders Academy) for the preparation of Personality tests / Psychological Tests & all other academic / intelligence tests for joining Pakistan Armed Forces (Pakistan Army, Navy and PAF) in any rank. Click on the following link:-





NOTE:- Initial Interview of the candidate shall be conducted by the Officer Commanding / Psychologist / Adjutant of PAF I&SC to assess his initial selection for merit shortlisting & final interview with the team of Directorate of Human Resource Induction, PAF Air Headquarters, Peshawar.


  1. Interview is also a technique and test process to know about the candidate either he / she is fit for PAF or any other Defence Force of Pakistan. It is a face to face talk / conservation between a selection officer / interviewing officer and a candidate.


  1. A selection puts some different questions to a candidate just to judge his / her mentality, bent of mind, inclination, approach of mind, general knowledge, thinking, current affairs and his profession. Moreover, an interviewing officer checks / judges the optimistic and pessimistic approach, interest of a student. The interviewing officer has a set of questions though which he explores the personality and hidden merits and demerits of a candidate.


  1. First of all, the interviewing officer, Team / President Selection board, deputy president, GTO, OC or the phycologist, subject specialist will ask about the personal BIO data qualification, experience, hobbies and family background of a candidate.


  1. Then the Interviewing Officer will ask some general knowledge, current affairs, Academic question, Short questions of Mathematics, calculation of prices, finding the values etc. Including Islamic religious questions. However, the following necessary / important questions shall be asked from the candidates so the applicants must be mentally ready to reply the current answers of questions. See the pattern of questions:-
  2. What is your name?
  3. What is your father name?
  4. What does he do? Profession
  5. How many brothers and sisters you have?
  6. What is your mother name?
  7. What does she do? Housewife or Jobian.
  8. Where do you belong to?
  9. What is history of your Tehsil and district?
  10. Tell the name of your relatives in Army, Navy and PAF?
  11. Who is your well known serving person in Army, Navy and PAF?
  12. Why do you want to join Army, Navy and PAF?
  13. Who is president of Pakistan, PM Pakistan, CAS, COAS, CNS?
  14. What do you know about PAF, Army, and Navy?
  15. What are your views about INDIA?
  16. What is logo / slogan of Army, Navy and PAF?
  17. Do you know about 27-02-2020? Explain
  18. Do you have a girlfriend?
  19. Do you have a boyfriend?
  20. Do you use Facebook or social media account?
  21. What is your Facebook, instagram, Linkedin, twitter id?
  22. Do you have a sex with a boy or girl?
  23. Have you been harassed sexually by anyone? When? Where? Result?
  24. Have you seen blue prints?
  25. Have you musterbation?
  26. Have you ever seen porn video?
  27. Are you interested to have intimacy with young beautiful girls, women or boys / Men?
  28. Are you a bottom or top?
  29. If you are offered and you have the opportunity to steal Rupees 1000 billion from PAF Accounts office then what would be your response?


  1. Candidates are advised to be positive while replying the questions of interviewing officers with full confidence and accurate desired information. Remember! Bad-character and with poor moral values candidates are never inducted in Pakistan Army, Pakistan Navy or PAF. We do hope that all candidates would take care of their personal character and moral conduct by all means. May Allah succeed you. Ameen.


  1. The father of the Pakistani nation, Hazrat Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah (Rehmatullah elayhe) has very rightly said:


“When your wealth is yours is lost, nothing is lost.

When your health is lost, something is lost.

When your character is lost, everything is lost.”

Mind it: Pakistan Army, Pakistan Navy and PAF select those who bear high standards of discipline, good moral conduct, impeachable character, descent personality, pessimistic approach and patriotic Pakistani.


The Pakistan Air Force (PAF) holds a prestigious position as one of the key military branches in the country. Aspiring individuals who dream of joining the PAF must undergo a rigorous selection process, which includes personality tests and psychological assessments. These tests aim to evaluate the candidates’ suitability for different roles within the PAF, such as Aero Trades, Aero Supports, Airwomen, Civilians, and Commissioned Officers. This article will explore the types of tests used, provide sample questions, and conclude with the significance of these assessments in selecting the right candidates.

Types of Personality Tests and Psychological Assessments:

  1. Cognitive Abilities Test: This test measures candidates’ mental abilities, including verbal reasoning, numerical reasoning, and abstract reasoning. It helps assess their problem-solving skills, critical thinking, and decision-making abilities.

Sample Question: What number should come next in the sequence? 1, 2, 4, 7, 11, ___

  1. Personality Questionnaire: This assessment aims to identify candidates’ personality traits, such as extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability, and openness to experience. It helps determine how well candidates may fit into the organizational culture of the PAF.

Sample Question: On a scale of 1 to 5, rate your agreement with the statement: “I enjoy working in a team and collaborating with others.”

  1. Situational Judgment Test (SJT): SJTs present candidates with hypothetical scenarios related to the PAF’s context. Candidates are required to choose the most appropriate course of action from a list of options, demonstrating their decision-making skills and judgment in challenging situations.

Sample Question: You witness a fellow Air Force colleague violating safety protocols. What would you do? a) Report the incident to the supervisor. b) Ignore the situation and continue with your work. c) Discuss the issue with the colleague directly. d) Seek advice from a senior officer.

Conclusion: Personality tests and psychological assessments play a crucial role in the selection process for various positions within the Pakistan Air Force. By evaluating candidates’ cognitive abilities, personality traits, and judgment in different scenarios, these assessments help identify individuals who possess the necessary qualities and potential to excel in their roles. The PAF’s commitment to selecting the most suitable candidates ensures a high level of professionalism, teamwork, and dedication within its ranks.

Candidates should prepare for these assessments by familiarizing themselves with the types of tests commonly used and practicing sample questions. Adequate preparation, coupled with self-awareness and a genuine interest in joining the PAF, can significantly increase the chances of success in the selection process. It is essential for candidates to remain authentic and true to themselves while demonstrating the qualities that align with the PAF’s values and requirements.

In conclusion, the PAF’s use of personality tests and psychological assessments helps ensure that individuals who join the Air Force possess the right skills, characteristics, and mindset for their respective roles. These tests not only contribute to the overall effectiveness and efficiency of the PAF but also enable the organization to maintain its high standards of excellence in serving the nation and protecting its airspace.


Medical Examination


  1. Pakistan Army, Pakistan Navy and Pakistan Air Force always select those who are physically and mentally fit persons. These forces don’t induct a medically unfit person for officers or other ranks.


  1. Ultimately at the end of all written, academic, online, intelligence, interviews, psychological tests, the candidates have to go through Medical explanations at their respective selection center. The medical officers and their staff at the selection centers carry on physical inspection / checking of height, weight, BP, eyesight, heartbeat, pulse, Flat foot, Knee knocking, Arms / Body angle, through X-rays, tests, ultra sounds etc according to the prescribed selection criteria.


  1. Temporary unfit candidates are reffered to the nearest Military Hospitals Army, PN and PAF for their final opinion by the concerned specialist doctors. If the TUF person is declared fit by the doctors of military hospitals and sent back to the selection centers for further selection process.
  2. Permanently medical unfit (PUF) are sent back to the pavilions at their homes. They are fit for PAF in view of medical fit.


  1. Before going to selection centers for medical examination, the candidate must have observed the following measures and requirements. The following points are to adhered to undergo a successful medical examination.
  2. He must have taken bath before medical examination.
  3. Body should be neat and clean.
  4. Nose and ear must be cleared and cleaned.
  5. Armpits must be removed.
  6. There should be no bad smell on the body, use perfumes.
  7. Candidate must have done their under shaves properly. All extra hairs must be removed from the private parts.
  8. Nails and hands must be neat and cleaned.
  9. Wore dresses and under garments must be well washed neat and clean.
  10. Candidate must have their eyesight glasses with them on the day of medical exams.
  11. Don’t feel any hesitation during medical examination. Don’t feel shy while removing your clothes.

If you are misbehaved / ill-treated or harassed by anyone during medical exam, you must report the matter to OC / CO selection center at the spot.


Display of Merit List

  1. All the students / candidates who have passed their academic, written tests, personality tests, interview and medical examination, their names shall be send to directorate of HRI, AHQ Peshawar for their final selection as per merit order.
  2. The candidates with the highest marks / evaluation are called for training at Airman Academy, PTTS, PAF Base kohat Military Training Wing. For their initial and military training here the vacancies are fulfilled as per strength requirements (Manning) of PAF.


If PAF requires 5000 trainees in course, then HRI will forward the TOP 5000 names in the merit list to PAF ISSC for display and information of candidates.


 According to scheduled reporting, candidates who received their call up letter as per merit list of PAF ISSC and HRI AHQ Peshawar, will report to PTTS, PAF base kohat for their initial and military training minimum for six months.







Personality Tests (Psychological Tests) are being conducted at PAF Information & Selection Centers & ISSB for the selection of Commissioned Officers, PAF Cadets, JCOs, Education Instructors, Religious Teachers, PAF Airmen, Aero Trades, Aero supports, Air women (FMA)  & civilian staff


Pakistan Defence Forces are well-organized and disciplined forces of Pakistan which maintain high sense of integrity and discipline amongst their all ranks and files. As we all know that discipline is the backbone of any force which cannot run effectively & efficiently without the very important segment of discipline. Similarly, Pakistan Air Force is a high-tech and super-sonic force, elite institution, second to none and great pride for Pakistani nation.


Discipline in Pakistan Armed Forces always comes from the punctuality in physical, educational, moral & military training and grooming of personality of a soldier, cadet or officer. If the personality of the military soldier is well-groomed and well-trained, ultimately he would show a high sense of responsibility in his obedience with the highest rating of discipline as well.


Personality of any PAF Officers, Airmen, Air women, Junior Commissioned Officer, Cadets or PAF civilians is always judged / assessed / measured during their initial and final selection tests / interviews which are conducted to assess their personality traits.


Pak Army, Pak Navy and PAF are always manned by all the citizens of Pakistan including Muslims, Christians, Hindus, Sikhs and specially the all Sects / Masaalik / Casts / Sub Casts and all schools of thought of the society. However, the officers, JCO’s, Airmen, Air women and civilian of these defence forces are totally free to observe their prayers, meditations and religious obligations according to their religion, sect and fiqah as they are belonging to the various walks of life.


PAF and other sister forces of Pakistan does not allow anybody to disturb, discourage, humiliate, defame, spread sectarian activities, political affiliations within the premises of Army, Navy and PAF as per rules, regulations, existing laws of the Armed Forces. After joining Pakistan Defence Forces in any rank, responsibly lies on the shoulders of newly entrants, cadets, officers or civilians to be away from the political, sectarian, immoral and anti-state activities otherwise they will be punished in a manner as a lesson to others.


Main Points For Successful & Final Selection

Now we shall highlight the following main points which are always addressed / checked and monitored during the entire process of selection of young students / candidates going to join Pakistan Army, Navy or PAF as an airmen or officer in any rank:-


  1. The candidate must be mentally and psychologically a fit person.


  1. The candidate must be well-disciplined, obedient, loyal, sincere, dutiful, positive-mind towards his seniors, juniors and state as well.



  1. He must be sound and stable in his behaviour, conduct, exposure, dealing, relations, habits and manners.


  1. He must not be involved in any of criminal activities like murder, quarrelling, theft, corruption, misconduct, bad character, womanization, homosexual activities, rape assaults, other illicit or immoral activities, adulteration, use of narcotics and alcohol.


  1. He must not be frustrated, mentally disturbed personality and psychological unfit person.


  1. He must be well-aware of social norms, good manners, religion / moral obligations as well.


  1. He must not be a rigid, obstinate or stubborn personality who may create disturbance for others during the performance of his official duties.


  1. He must not be associated with any of foreign intelligence agencies, anti-state elements to Pakistan, anti-armed forces element; terrorist / proscribed organizations within Pakistan are in abroad.


  1. He must be well-educated, well-learned, well-acquainted with country, regional, national and international affairs including general knowledge and current affairs.


  1. He must be a true Pakistani, patriotic soldier and always sincere, loyal, obedient to the legal orders of his seniors and commanders as well as to his state are country by all means. He must be the owner of well-balanced personality, positive mind, devoted, optimistic, diligent, dedicated and must possess highest values of good conduct and personality.


  1. For commissioning in Pakistan army, Pakistan navy and Pakistan Air Force, the personality test of various forms are conducted by the phycologists at selection centers as well as at Inter Services Selection Boards (ISSB) within Pakistan to select the very suitable candidates for Army, Navy and PAF as an officer, JCO, men or civilian. These personality traits are always checked by the designated, well-experienced and professional physiologists.


  1. For selection as an Airman or Airwomen including all trades of PAF airmanship, the following tests are conducted to ensure the best selections of airman or airwomen for PAF. If any doubt or suspicion is created in the mind of selection team, the candidate would not be able to cross this hurdle and qualify the personality test. These tests would be conducted through ONLINE TESTING SYSTEM / SOFTWARE OF PAKISTAN AIRFORCE. The online testing system of PAF is highly transparent and free of errors. Only the capable and efficient students can qualify these tests out of their best abilities.


  • Please visit our Official Website for the preparation of Personality tests & all other tests to join Pakistan Defence Force in any rank and designation. Click on the following link:-


  • Please visit, watch and subscribe our official YouTube Channel (Shaheen Leaders Academy) for the preparation of Personality tests / Psychological Tests & all other academic / intelligence tests for joining Pakistan Armed Forces (Pakistan Army, Navy and PAF) in any rank. Click on the following link:-





NOTE:- Initial Interview of the candidate shall be conducted by the Officer Commanding / Psychologist / Adjutant of PAF I&SC to assess his initial selection for merit shortlisting & final interview with the team of Directorate of Human Resource Induction, PAF Air Headquarters, Peshawar.


  1. Interview is also a technique and test process to know about the candidate either he / she is fit for PAF or any other Defence Force of Pakistan. It is a face to face talk / conservation between a selection officer / interviewing officer and a candidate.


  1. A selection puts some different questions to a candidate just to judge his / her mentality, bent of mind, inclination, approach of mind, general knowledge, thinking, current affairs and his profession. Moreover, an interviewing officer checks / judges the optimistic and pessimistic approach, interest of a student. The interviewing officer has a set of questions though which he explores the personality and hidden merits and demerits of a candidate.


  1. First of all, the interviewing officer, Team / President Selection board, deputy president, GTO, OC or the phycologist, subject specialist will ask about the personal BIO data qualification, experience, hobbies and family background of a candidate.


  1. Then the Interviewing Officer will ask some general knowledge, current affairs, Academic question, Short questions of Mathematics, calculation of prices, finding the values etc. Including Islamic religious questions. However, the following necessary / important questions shall be asked from the candidates so the applicants must be mentally ready to reply the current answers of questions. See the pattern of questions:-
  2. What is your name?
  3. What is your father name?
  4. What does he do? Profession
  5. How many brothers and sisters you have?
  6. What is your mother name?
  7. What does she do? Housewife or Jobian.
  8. Where do you belong to?
  9. What is history of your Tehsil and district?
  10. Tell the name of your relatives in Army, Navy and PAF?
  11. Who is your well known serving person in Army, Navy and PAF?
  12. Why do you want to join Army, Navy and PAF?
  13. Who is president of Pakistan, PM Pakistan, CAS, COAS, CNS?
  14. What do you know about PAF, Army, and Navy?
  15. What are your views about INDIA?
  16. What is logo / slogan of Army, Navy and PAF?
  17. Do you know about 27-02-2020? Explain
  18. Do you have a girlfriend?
  19. Do you have a boyfriend?
  20. Do you use Facebook or social media account?
  21. What is your Facebook, instagram, Linkedin, twitter id?
  22. Do you have a sex with a boy or girl?
  23. Have you been harassed sexually by anyone? When? Where? Result?
  24. Have you seen blue prints?
  25. Have you musterbation?
  26. Have you ever seen porn video?
  27. Are you interested to have intimacy with young beautiful girls, women or boys / Men?
  28. Are you a bottom or top?
  29. If you are offered and you have the opportunity to steal Rupees 1000 billion from PAF Accounts office then what would be your response?


  1. Candidates are advised to be positive while replying the questions of interviewing officers with full confidence and accurate desired information. Remember! Bad-character and with poor moral values candidates are never inducted in Pakistan Army, Pakistan Navy or PAF. We do hope that all candidates would take care of their personal character and moral conduct by all means. May Allah succeed you. Ameen.


  1. The father of the Pakistani nation, Hazrat Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah (Rehmatullah elayhe) has very rightly said:


“When your wealth is yours is lost, nothing is lost.

When your health is lost, something is lost.

When your character is lost, everything is lost.”

Mind it: Pakistan Army, Pakistan Navy and PAF select those who bear high standards of discipline, good moral conduct, impeachable character, descent personality, pessimistic approach and patriotic Pakistani.


The Pakistan Air Force (PAF) holds a prestigious position as one of the key military branches in the country. Aspiring individuals who dream of joining the PAF must undergo a rigorous selection process, which includes personality tests and psychological assessments. These tests aim to evaluate the candidates’ suitability for different roles within the PAF, such as Aero Trades, Aero Supports, Airwomen, Civilians, and Commissioned Officers. This article will explore the types of tests used, provide sample questions, and conclude with the significance of these assessments in selecting the right candidates.

Types of Personality Tests and Psychological Assessments:

  1. Cognitive Abilities Test: This test measures candidates’ mental abilities, including verbal reasoning, numerical reasoning, and abstract reasoning. It helps assess their problem-solving skills, critical thinking, and decision-making abilities.

Sample Question: What number should come next in the sequence? 1, 2, 4, 7, 11, ___

  1. Personality Questionnaire: This assessment aims to identify candidates’ personality traits, such as extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability, and openness to experience. It helps determine how well candidates may fit into the organizational culture of the PAF.

Sample Question: On a scale of 1 to 5, rate your agreement with the statement: “I enjoy working in a team and collaborating with others.”

  1. Situational Judgment Test (SJT): SJTs present candidates with hypothetical scenarios related to the PAF’s context. Candidates are required to choose the most appropriate course of action from a list of options, demonstrating their decision-making skills and judgment in challenging situations.

Sample Question: You witness a fellow Air Force colleague violating safety protocols. What would you do? a) Report the incident to the supervisor. b) Ignore the situation and continue with your work. c) Discuss the issue with the colleague directly. d) Seek advice from a senior officer.

Conclusion: Personality tests and psychological assessments play a crucial role in the selection process for various positions within the Pakistan Air Force. By evaluating candidates’ cognitive abilities, personality traits, and judgment in different scenarios, these assessments help identify individuals who possess the necessary qualities and potential to excel in their roles. The PAF’s commitment to selecting the most suitable candidates ensures a high level of professionalism, teamwork, and dedication within its ranks.

Candidates should prepare for these assessments by familiarizing themselves with the types of tests commonly used and practicing sample questions. Adequate preparation, coupled with self-awareness and a genuine interest in joining the PAF, can significantly increase the chances of success in the selection process. It is essential for candidates to remain authentic and true to themselves while demonstrating the qualities that align with the PAF’s values and requirements.

In conclusion, the PAF’s use of personality tests and psychological assessments helps ensure that individuals who join the Air Force possess the right skills, characteristics, and mindset for their respective roles. These tests not only contribute to the overall effectiveness and efficiency of the PAF but also enable the organization to maintain its high standards of excellence in serving the nation and protecting its airspace.


Medical Examination


  1. Pakistan Army, Pakistan Navy and Pakistan Air Force always select those who are physically and mentally fit persons. These forces don’t induct a medically unfit person for officers or other ranks.


  1. Ultimately at the end of all written, academic, online, intelligence, interviews, psychological tests, the candidates have to go through Medical explanations at their respective selection center. The medical officers and their staff at the selection centers carry on physical inspection / checking of height, weight, BP, eyesight, heartbeat, pulse, Flat foot, Knee knocking, Arms / Body angle, through X-rays, tests, ultra sounds etc according to the prescribed selection criteria.


  1. Temporary unfit candidates are reffered to the nearest Military Hospitals Army, PN and PAF for their final opinion by the concerned specialist doctors. If the TUF person is declared fit by the doctors of military hospitals and sent back to the selection centers for further selection process.
  2. Permanently medical unfit (PUF) are sent back to the pavilions at their homes. They are fit for PAF in view of medical fit.


  1. Before going to selection centers for medical examination, the candidate must have observed the following measures and requirements. The following points are to adhered to undergo a successful medical examination.
  2. He must have taken bath before medical examination.
  3. Body should be neat and clean.
  4. Nose and ear must be cleared and cleaned.
  5. Armpits must be removed.
  6. There should be no bad smell on the body, use perfumes.
  7. Candidate must have done their under shaves properly. All extra hairs must be removed from the private parts.
  8. Nails and hands must be neat and cleaned.
  9. Wore dresses and under garments must be well washed neat and clean.
  10. Candidate must have their eyesight glasses with them on the day of medical exams.
  11. Don’t feel any hesitation during medical examination. Don’t feel shy while removing your clothes.

If you are misbehaved / ill-treated or harassed by anyone during medical exam, you must report the matter to OC / CO selection center at the spot.


Display of Merit List

  1. All the students / candidates who have passed their academic, written tests, personality tests, interview and medical examination, their names shall be send to directorate of HRI, AHQ Peshawar for their final selection as per merit order.
  2. The candidates with the highest marks / evaluation are called for training at Airman Academy, PTTS, PAF Base kohat Military Training Wing. For their initial and military training here the vacancies are fulfilled as per strength requirements (Manning) of PAF.


If PAF requires 5000 trainees in course, then HRI will forward the TOP 5000 names in the merit list to PAF ISSC for display and information of candidates.


 According to scheduled reporting, candidates who received their call up letter as per merit list of PAF ISSC and HRI AHQ Peshawar, will report to PTTS, PAF base kohat for their initial and military training minimum for six months.

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