Library Sciences (BLIS & MLIS)

Library Sciences (BLIS & MLIS)




Shaheen Leader Academy

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Library Science

Library Sciences ( BLIS / MLIS) Quiz

1 / 25

The  Dimension  of  'Book of  the Dead  '  were  15 inches   width and  length :-

2 / 25

A card which is capable of   accommodating   considerable   number of pages  in reduced  form is called :-

3 / 25

IFLA has  introduced  the concept for children and young  adults ;-

4 / 25

Main use of shelf list is:-

5 / 25

The oldest public library   of Pakistan is :-

6 / 25

Printed book  catalogue  is known as  the   national union  catalog since :-

7 / 25

Individual who is responsible  for an short film   is called ;-

8 / 25

Which is a tertiary source of information;-

9 / 25

Name the author of  the book  Library  administration is :-

10 / 25

Mobile Library is a kind of which services:-

11 / 25

Online Europa year book has coverage since:-

12 / 25

The  idea  of  proper  education is not  possible  without it :-

13 / 25

The name of the  Bodlein Library   catalogue  was :

14 / 25

A  library  is  a  busy and   complex :-

15 / 25

Which part of new encyclopedia Britainnica is useful for ready reference :-

16 / 25

If the work  is  entered  under the name of  a person  make  an added  entry for an :-

17 / 25

Which software is useful for a word processing:-

18 / 25

Payment for the books purchased can be made only after:-

19 / 25

The ' study abroad' is an:-

20 / 25

What is India:-

21 / 25

Outdated books are withdrawn from the library is known as;-

22 / 25

In which Hijri  was the  library  of Azhar  University  established :-

23 / 25

Questionnaire is a tool for data collection;-

24 / 25

Pinakes  was  a :-

25 / 25

In fund accounting, ___________________ fund can not be used for other purposes :-

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