Media Studies Quiz

Media Studies




Shaheen Leader Academy

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Media Studies Quiz

1 / 25

Who said that a journalist should not write as a journalist what he would not say as a gentleman:-

2 / 25

The  Indian   institute  of  Mass  communication   Kerala  is  located at :-

3 / 25

What is composed of different sounds human society has invented to communicate different feelings and ideas:-

4 / 25

FM radio  was  invented by :-

5 / 25

Post production :-

6 / 25

What was the language of the 'Mura'at ul Akhbar':-

7 / 25

What is not a barrier in communication:-

8 / 25

Which  is  known  as  new  media :-

9 / 25

Developed  a kind of  paper  from Papyrus  plant ;-

10 / 25

Right  of  Information Act   applies  to all the  states   and  UT's  of India  except :-

11 / 25

When was the Bengal Gazette launched:-

12 / 25

What was the name of the Zafar ali Khan's father:-

13 / 25

'Daily' is a word of which language:-

14 / 25

Who  got  the  Upinshadas  translated  into  Parison;-

15 / 25

What was another magazine started by Maulana Abul Kalam:-

16 / 25

Drama :-

17 / 25

Who launched 'Syasat:-

18 / 25

Movable  types  and  mechanical  printing  press  were  invented  by ;-

19 / 25

In which  year  was  the  first  news  agency  founded :-

20 / 25

The  CBFC  certificate  of  u  means :-

21 / 25

22 / 25

When Sheikh Abdul Raheem issued ' Shudhakar':-

23 / 25

Who started Tanzeem:-

24 / 25

Who started newspaper 'Wakeel':-

25 / 25

Where was first press established:-

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