Metallurgical Engineering Quiz

Metallurgical Engineering Quiz




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Metallurgical Engineering

Metallurgical Engineering Quiz

1 / 25

In a  FIFO  algorithm ,  when a  page  is  to  be   replaced ,  which page  is  chosen;-

2 / 25

How much is the percentage  of  fixed  carbon in  Lignite :-

3 / 25

Stretcher strains found in a low carbon sheet are associated with:-

4 / 25

Heat treatment is never required after carburising treatment:-

5 / 25

The  swift cup test  evaluates  the  ____ property  of  a  sheet  metal :-

6 / 25

A  page  that  is  not  going  to be  used  for the  next 7 seconds  will   be  swapped   out  over  a  page that is  going  to  be used   within the  next   0.7 seconds ;-

7 / 25

Bainite phase is divided into _______ types:-

8 / 25

Which alloy   system  exhibits  complete  solid  solubility:-

9 / 25

The  slag over  the  steel  bath  in ladle   worked  as ;-

10 / 25

Grain boundaries are one of the causes of corrosion of metal:-

11 / 25

In the  Initial  period  of  slow  decarburization ,  iron oxide content  in the  slag  may  arise :-

12 / 25

In a  stack   algorithm,  the  set of  page  in a  k  frame    memory  is always  a  subset of  page  in a  ______frame  memory :-

13 / 25

Which  type  of  condition is  required   to  remove   phosphorus  during   steel making  process ;-

14 / 25

Young's  modulus of  a  material   gives  an idea  about :-

15 / 25

The  elements  get  oxidised  with  logarithmic law :-

16 / 25

Uranium  %age   in monazite  sand  is  about :-

17 / 25

1841 high speed steel contains _________ % chromium:-

18 / 25

Which heat treatment process is carried out after hardening process:-

19 / 25

Which parts of a jaw  crusher  is subjected  to maximum wear  and  tear  during  its  operation;-

20 / 25

Coating of zinc over steel is known as:-

21 / 25

Electrostatic  separation of minerals  from each other  is based on their  difference  in which property ;-

22 / 25

The  type of  discontinuity  potentially  most harmful  to the  useful life of  a  part is ;-

23 / 25

Ductile cast iron is produced by small addition of  magnesium in the ladle;-

24 / 25

______________ state  that  on a  page  fault,  the  frame  that has been in memory   the  longest is  replaced :-

25 / 25

Most  important  property  of  a  steel  for  use  in  automobile  bodies  is :-

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