Peace & Conflict Studies Quiz

Peace and Conflict Studies




Shaheen Leader Academy

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Peace & Conflict Studies Quiz

1 / 25

Who is known as Frontier Gandhi:-

2 / 25

Who is called  the  father  of  International Law :-

3 / 25

The  author  of famous book  ' The  China  -Pakistan   Axis :  Asia's  New  Geopolitics   "  is :-

4 / 25

Who  believed  that   sovereignty  vested  in the  general   would :-

5 / 25

Martin King Luther was influenced by the non violent teaching of:-

6 / 25

The conflict gamer react to conflict by:-

7 / 25

The word 'kratos' mean:-

8 / 25

Vienna  conference  of  1961   is  related to :-

9 / 25

The  idealist theory  attaches  great  importance to   perfection  of human  personality :-

10 / 25

Convergent is a:-

11 / 25

When the disputants are not fighting about what's really bothering them , the conflicts is:-

12 / 25

The  right  to have  a  family  life  is  ;-

13 / 25

Ahimsa means;-

14 / 25

Holding onto truth is called::-

15 / 25

Where is the Headquarter of UN:-

16 / 25

Liberalism originated  from  word  'liberalis   which  belong to  the language :-

17 / 25

Gandhi's book " The Satyahrah" was written in;-

18 / 25

First  Western  writer   to  develop  systematic  doctrine  of  sovereignty  was :-

19 / 25

The  project to reduce water   logging   and  salinity  area  in  Pakistan  has  been  financially   supported  by :-

20 / 25

Which  country  has  largest   shadow    banking  market  in  the  world :-

21 / 25

A man who is from general category and has annual income of Rs, 10 lakh is not eligible for legal aid:-

22 / 25

Theoretical debates in the field of IR are:-

23 / 25

The  concept  of legal  sovereignty  was for the   first time  propounded by :-

24 / 25

Which one is not the work of Thomas hobbes:-

25 / 25

'Difference principle' is related with:-

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