Peace and Conflict Studies




Shaheen Leader Academy

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Peace & Conflict Studies Quiz

1 / 25

Piracy  is  an offense   within  the  jurisdiction  of the :-

2 / 25

The international Convenant on civil and political rights was made in;-

3 / 25

Foreign  policy  is  influenced  by :-

4 / 25

FBI    of  America  was  established in ;-

5 / 25

In modern  times  the  power of  the  bureaucracy   have :-

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The  right  against  which state    can not  enact  law and   if enacted  can be declared   invalid  are called :-

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The concepts  of rights  has been there since very old time ;-

8 / 25

The  coining  of the  term  iron Curtain   is  attributed  to  which leader :-

9 / 25

Invitation to Indian philosophy is written by:-

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The  theory  of  Natural  rights   formed  an important   part of :-

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The first step in conflict diagnosis is to describe the _________________:-

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The most fundamental principle of Gandhi's philosophy of peace is:-

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The  contract   envisaged   by Rousseau  was  ;-

14 / 25

________ is  not  a   farm of  weapon  of  mass  destruction:-

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Siddharta Gautama is also known as:-

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Who  was  the  UN  secretary  general  during  declaration  of MDG :-

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Bureaucracy  consist  of :-

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'There is no way to peace. Peace itself is  the way' who told this:-

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Who is called  the  father  of  International Law :-

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Thomas hobbes was belonged to:-

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The  earliest   territorial  state  was :-

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The  monistic  theory  of  sovereignty  holds  that   the  sovereignty  resides  in the  state  alone :-

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Who  was  the  first   systematic   thinker  about   doctrine  of  sovereignty :-

24 / 25

Globalisation  was  stimulated  by  ;-

25 / 25

According  to  Matriarchal  theory  the  head  of  the  family  was the  eldest   female   member :-

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