Tests of Statistics

Statistics MCQs




Shaheen Leader Academy

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Statistics Quiz

1 / 25

The middle value of an ordered array of number is the:-

2 / 25

A  source  note  foot  are  the  :-

3 / 25

Nos  is  a  _____:-

4 / 25

Data  classified   by  many   ___________ said  to  be  quantitative  :-

5 / 25

Collection of  information  from complete   population is called :-

6 / 25

The  lower  class  boundary of  25 - 35 will be :-

7 / 25

A card is selected at random from an deck of 52 cards. The probability that the 7 of diamonds is selected as:-

8 / 25

When  there  is   0   in out  dataset  which mean we cannot  calculate :-

9 / 25

Binomial distribution approximated to poisson distribution when ;-

10 / 25

Mean deviation  is  equal to 4/5 of the   manipulation:-

11 / 25

The  sum  of absolute  deviation is  minimum if these  deviations  are  taken   from the  :-

12 / 25

When two coins are tossed, the sample space is:-

13 / 25

Simple price index number by chain base method is called:-

14 / 25

Cluster  sampling   is  useful when   sampling   units  are :-

15 / 25

The  measurement  of  a  spread   or  scatter   of  the  individual  values  around  the  central  point is  called    :-

16 / 25

A  __________ is   a  heading  at  the  top  of  the table    describing  its  contents  ;-

17 / 25

Colour of flowers is an example of _______ variable:-

18 / 25

Another  name  of  word  population is :-

19 / 25

For a skewed distribution mean is 35 and median = 30, then mode is:-

20 / 25

A table  has  at least  ____________ parts :-

21 / 25

Which mean  is  most affected  by  extreme   values :-

22 / 25

If  mean of  the  binomial  probability  distribution is  4.8   then  variance of  this  distribution  is :-

23 / 25

_____________ use  the  division of  circle  into  different   sectors :-

24 / 25

Which would be greatly affected by the outliers:-

25 / 25

Simple price index number by fix base method is called:-

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