Big Data Analytics Quiz

Big Data Analytics Quiz




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Big Data Analytics

Big Data Analytics Quiz

1 / 25

The daemons   associated  with the MapReduce phase are  ___________ and   task tracker ;-

2 / 25

____________ is very useful in situation when data have to stored and then retrieved in reverse order:-

3 / 25

A hadoop  archive  always has  a *.  her  extensions:-

4 / 25

The worst case of quick sort has order:-

5 / 25

Data in ________ byte size is called bid data:-

6 / 25

Name Node is used when the primary Name Node goes down:-

7 / 25

To use aggregate , simply  specify"  -mapper  aggregate :-

8 / 25

One can determine whether a Binary tree is a Binary search tree by Traversing it in______:-

9 / 25

Which is an example of vector graphic device in R:-

10 / 25

Data modelling is  the process  of   analyzing   the data   objects ;-

11 / 25

Big  data is just about  a lots  of data ;-

12 / 25

The Hadoop Mapreduce  framework  spawns  one map  task for  each  inputsplit  generated by the input  for  the job:-

13 / 25

In a stack the command to access nth element from the top of the stacks will be:-

14 / 25

Facebook  tackle Big data  with  based on  Hadoop ;-

15 / 25

Pig is  a  relational  database  that  supports  SQL  queries :-

16 / 25

The property of binary tree is:-

17 / 25

__________ is  method  to copy byte from  input  stream  to any  other stream  in Hadoop;-

18 / 25

Which is not a liner data structure:-

19 / 25

What are the main components of Big data ;-

20 / 25

Which data structure is suitable to represent hierarchical relationship between elements;-

21 / 25

An argument, para  is helpful  to choice  the  model  fitting technique :-

22 / 25

_______________ referred to as the process of finding anomalies , patterns and correlation with large data set  to predict outcomes;-

23 / 25

The output of the  ___________ is not   sorted  in the   Mapreduce  framework  for Hadoop :-

24 / 25

Data cleaning   refers  to the act of  preparing  data for  analysis  through the  removal  of  data ;-

25 / 25

____________ is  general  purpose  computing  model and  runtime system for  distributed   data analytics :-

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