BS Cyber Security BE Cyber Security Quiz 43 Welcome to Shaheen Leader Academy We expect 100% result. Click on Start Button. Your time is Ended. Thanks BS (Honors) in Cyber Security Quiz BS (Hon) Cyber Security Quiz 1 / 25 Which is defines as an attempt to steal, spy , damage computer system of their associated information;- Cyber attack Computer security Cryptography 2 / 25 Which is not an example of a botnet program :- My Doom Game Over Zeus 3 / 25 Domain  names are  simply the _____________ of the internet :- Addresses Website Location 4 / 25 Automated spamming tools subscribe to mail list in order to complete_____________ task:- deny services to mail list recipient Both a, b collect email addresses 5 / 25 DNS translates a DOMAIN name into:- Binary URL IP Hex 6 / 25 _________ is used in Directory Harvest Attack:- Worms Brute Force Trojan 7 / 25 Where did the term ' hacker' originates;- New York university MIT Harvard university 8 / 25 Sometimes _________ anonymize them to perform criminal activities :- Virus Incident handlers Cyber criminals 9 / 25 ___________ refers to the phishing performed over smart phone by calling :- Vishing Algo based phishing Email based phishing 10 / 25 Which protocol is not susceptible to sniffing :- HTTP SMTP TCP 11 / 25 Keeping the  password by the name of your pet is a good choice :- True False 12 / 25 Which protocol is not susceptible to sniffing :- TCP SMTP HTTP 13 / 25 __________ is used to create the organisations's overall security program:- program policy security purpose 14 / 25 Data loss prevention  focuses on the detection  and prevention of sensitive data  exfiltration and lost data :- False True 15 / 25 Investigation reconstruction is composed of ________________ different form:- 5 7 3 16 / 25 Protection against denial by one of these parties in a communication refers to:- Authentication Non repudiation Data integrity 17 / 25 Determine the kind of symmetric key algorithm that encrypts data using a streaming cypher:- RC4 MD5 SHA Blowfish 18 / 25 ________ uses the idea of certificate trust level:- x509 kdc pgp 19 / 25 In _______________ a person is constantly followed by another person :- Stalking Phishing Bulling 20 / 25 Which  attack based check webinspect can not do ;- Directory traversal Cross site scripting Injecting shell code 21 / 25 Personal computers and networks are often a valuable source of evidence . Those involved with ___________ should be comfortable with this technology:- All of them Prosecution Defense work Criminal investigation 22 / 25 Every appeal to cyber appellate  Tribunal shall be filed within a period of ;- 45 days 60 days 90 days 23 / 25 In cryptography, cipher is an algorithm to performing encryption and decryption:- False True 24 / 25 In any organization company or firm the policies of information security comes under _______________:- Authenticity CIA triad Confidentiality 25 / 25 Salami attacks are used for the commission of :- Physical crimes Personal crimes Financial crimes Your score is Restart quiz