Civil Engineering Quiz

Civil Engineering Quiz




Shaheen Leader Academy

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Civil Engineering Quiz

1 / 25

In how many  ways  does  the  conservation  of  biodiversity work;-

2 / 25

The  normal size of the modular  brick is :-

3 / 25

Local  attraction  in compass surveying  may  exist  due to  presence  of magnetic  substances near the instrument :-

4 / 25

Loose  soil  has  a  relative  density  within  a  range of :-

5 / 25

Why is  the  strain  the  fundamental  property  but  not  the  stress:-

6 / 25

Which  is  the  latest  version of  Auto CAD software :-

7 / 25

Which pair is matched properly :-

8 / 25

The  colour on CRT screen  is  obtained  by the  combination of;-

9 / 25

The main constituent of  cement which is responsible  for initial  setting of cement is :-

10 / 25

An  offset is  a   ________________ distance  of  an  object  measured  from  the  survey line :-

11 / 25

When  a  circular wheel  rolls  on a straight  track,  then the  shape of  body  centrode and  space  centrode respectively are :-

12 / 25

The  age  of  a tree  can be  known  by  examining :-

13 / 25

For  a given  velocity of  a projectile  ,  the range is  maximum  when the angle of  projection is :-

14 / 25

Angular acceleration of  a practice  may be expressed  as :-

15 / 25

Mach number is  significant  in supersonic ,  as with  projectile and jet propulsion;-

16 / 25

The  marine  structure  located  alongside  or at  the  entrance  of  a  pier  or  a  wharf  is :-

17 / 25

Which masonry material  is used for cost reduction;-

18 / 25

The component  filler  in paint  does  the  function of :-

19 / 25

While  designing  a  project by an engineer,  __________ should  be taken into account  to protect cultural  heritage :-

20 / 25

How  many  types  of   impact  assessment  are  there ;-

21 / 25

The  loss of  pressure head in case of   laminar flow  is  proportional to:-

22 / 25

A flow  is called  super sonic  if  the   :-

23 / 25

What must be  done  to wooden  sleepers before use ;-

24 / 25

The extent  of  water  treatment  depends  on  how  many  factors ;-

25 / 25

Refuse  may  be  of __________ types :-

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