Metrological Engineering Quiz

Metrological Engineering Quiz




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Metrological Engineering

Metrological Engineering Quiz

1 / 25

A model of  reservoir is drained in 4 mts by opening the sluice  gate. The model scale  is 1.225. How long should it take to empty the prototype:-

2 / 25

Electronic  autocollimator  has  more resolution  than  visual  autocollimator :-

3 / 25

What is another name of radius gauge;-

4 / 25

______________ errors  occur  due  to some  external  conditions   of the instrument :-

5 / 25

The  internal  resistance  of an  ammeter  should be :-

6 / 25

Air fuel ratio in a jet engine  will be of the  order of:-

7 / 25

What is the parallelism tolerance  of  end  faces  of  axes  of  rollers  in sine  bar  according  to  British  Standards ;-

8 / 25

The compression ratio  in a jet engine varies proportional to:-

9 / 25

Clamping pallets allows easy fixing of work pieces;-

10 / 25

Losses in a centrifugal compressor  are due to:-

11 / 25

The compressor capacity with decreases  in suction temperature:-

12 / 25

What is the measuring range for radius gauge;-

13 / 25

Which one is used as  replacement of spirit  vial in electrical level:-

14 / 25

Which is  true  for  measurement of  equidistance ;-

15 / 25

What is the distance when support for a simply supported beam:-

16 / 25

In which boilers,the draught  in furnace is increased  by utilizing exhaust steam from engine:-

17 / 25

The three 'Ts' for good combustion are;-

18 / 25

Flatness  can be   tested  by  grid  and  half  grid   method ;-

19 / 25

In  _______________ the  oscilloscope are used  :-

20 / 25

The compressor performance at higher altitude  compared to sea level will be :-

21 / 25

The number of flue tubes in  Lancashire boiler is:-

22 / 25

Adjustable blade is  attached  to  base  blade :-

23 / 25

How  many  tolerance  grades  are  there for   ISO metric  screw  threads :-

24 / 25

Which type of CMM is most suited for large heavy work pieces;-

25 / 25

Departure  of  the  actual  tooth surface  from  design surface  is called  undulation;-

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