Physical Fitness & Sports Quiz

Physical Fitness & Sports Quiz




Shaheen Leader Academy

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Physical Fitness & Sports Quiz

1 / 25

Which is flexible connective tissue that is attached to bones at the joint:-

2 / 25

What is  the  single  and  double  scoring  for  the  men  in badminton ;-

3 / 25

Expressive movement communicates ideas in:-

4 / 25

'Cue ball  ,  break shot  are  terms  associated with which games ;-

5 / 25

Which one is not a leadership style:-

6 / 25

Which philosophies advocates that ideals, values, and truth are universal and eternal and remain the same regardless of how the interpretation of individuals may vary:-

7 / 25

The sum of all chemical reactions in the body is termed as;-

8 / 25


9 / 25

Exercise is a subset of physical activity that is:-

10 / 25

Where  did  the  game  of  chess  originate :-

11 / 25

Lung cancer  is  caused  due  to  disease  like   hypertension,  peptical  ulser  are  ;-

12 / 25

Co ordination in the  nervous  system   and muscle  is :-

13 / 25

Smooth muscle need help of _____ for contraction:-

14 / 25

Rotation , balance and locomotor , and _______ movements are the four parts of movement content of gymnastic:-

15 / 25

The  term  'Gambit  '  is  used  in the  game  is  ;-


16 / 25

Small area games promote:-

17 / 25

Durbey cup  associated  with  the  game  ;-

18 / 25

Name  the  muscle  fibre due to which the person will  have more endurance ;-

19 / 25

Relationship objectives are:-

20 / 25

Which country is best at chess ;-

21 / 25

The following phrase is used to describe a leader:-

22 / 25

The richest source of Vitamin D is;-

23 / 25

The  alfil  is  a fairy chess  piece  that can jump  two square  diagonally  in chess  called :-

24 / 25

Proteins   from the  major  part of  diet :-

25 / 25

Which disciplines of philosophy examines the theory of knowledge:-

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