Psychology (Graduation)

Psychology MCQs (Graduation Level) Tests




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Psychology (Graduation)

Psychology (Graduation) Quiz

1 / 25

In human  body  group  of   cells  that   secretes  chemicals   are  known  as ;;-

2 / 25

Hindbrain is  made  up of  ;-

3 / 25

When the superego becomes a major force in a developing child's personality , the child soon develops:-

4 / 25

Which is the part of psychosocial domain:-

5 / 25

Type A is to _____________ as type B is to _____________:-

6 / 25

The  prefrontal  association  cortex  is   involved  in the  planning  of voluntary movement :-:-

7 / 25

Which  structures  does not  belong  to  the  limbic  system ;-

8 / 25

How many basic dimensions of personality are there in Big 5 personality traits:-

9 / 25

Which pair is incorrect:-

10 / 25

__________ is  an  antidepressar  drug:-

11 / 25

Absenteeism  can  be tackled  by :-

12 / 25

__________ is  the  removal  of part  of  brain ;-

13 / 25

The  prototype   of the  modern   intelligence   test  developed  by :-

14 / 25

Factor analysis has been used to identify the most basic;-

15 / 25

The  sleep  stage  associated  with  dreaming  includes :-

16 / 25

Primary reinforce is ;-

17 / 25

Educational  psychology  is  concerned  with ;-

18 / 25

In education  --------- is  used  to make  inference  about the  learning of  student   :-

19 / 25

Which  controls  breathing  and  digestion  the  portion   of  body  is  called :-

20 / 25

The  variable  which  the  experimenter  manipulates  is  called ;p

21 / 25

general  intelligence  factor,  was  basically  discovered by whom ;-

22 / 25

Body balance is controlled  by ;-

23 / 25

The  basic  unit  of  human  nervous  system  is  :-

24 / 25

________  is  considering  as little  brain :-

25 / 25

Purposive behavior in animals and men was the major work written by:-

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