Aero Space Engineering

Bacholars in Aero Space Engineering Quiz




Shaheen Leader Academy

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BE Aerospace Engineering Quiz

1 / 25

Is  a  50%  increase  in the  ratio  of lift  to drag  at a  lift  coefficient :-

2 / 25

Thermostat valve widely opens at about:-

3 / 25

A  sonobuoy  is  used  to  determine  the location of  enemy  missile :-

4 / 25

The  aspect  ratio is given by :-

5 / 25

Is  downwash  distribution   on the platform is  regular :-

6 / 25

an aircraft  engine  generates  __________ power ;-

7 / 25

The most common power transmission system used in seed drill is:-

8 / 25

The disc force into  the ground by:-

9 / 25

When the velocity of the local flow itself is zero then static pressure is:-

10 / 25

The  airbus A320  family  does  not  include   which aircraft L0

11 / 25

Blower is a part of:-

12 / 25

is  axisymmetric  has two  independent  variables ;-

13 / 25

The function of seed drill is:-

14 / 25

Stroke law is applied when Reynoid's number is:-

15 / 25

The  quantity  specifying  the flow   is  termed as ;p

16 / 25

an airframe  made  with carbon  fiber composite  ___________ thrust ;-

17 / 25

How  stagnation point  on the  topside  of the airfoil reaches  the trailing  edge ;-

18 / 25

The  coefficient of pressure at stagnation point is ;-

19 / 25

What is  the  flow  outside the  airfoil'=

20 / 25

is  vorticity transport is obtained  by  constructing  a finite  difference  approximation;-

21 / 25

Geometrical mean diameter of particles are known as:-

22 / 25

A speed of centrifugal dehusker ranges between;-

23 / 25

Pump used in the windmill may be:-

24 / 25

Inside  a  wind tunnel  ,  the  area  further  decreases  from A2 to A3   that section is called as ;-

25 / 25

A lift is calculated by ____________ to the direction of motion:-

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