Bacholars in Avionics engineering Tests

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BE Avionics Engineering Quiz

1 / 25

The  instantaneous  FOV   change  with the position of  view :-

2 / 25

Which was the launch operator of the A 350-900:-

3 / 25

Which instrument is used to measure the aircraft's altitude during the approach phase:-

4 / 25

What is  the  radiation pattern of  the marker  beacon;-

5 / 25

The  ratio between  the modulating  signal voltage  and  the carrier  voltage  is called ;-

6 / 25

An aircraft is turned right or left  , using the aileron:-

7 / 25

FCS  sensors which  sense aircraft  motion also   sense  the  structural  deflection;-

8 / 25

In a  radio controlled  UAV   FHSS  technology has more advantage  than  DSSS  technology :-

9 / 25

Which is  called  as   UHF  connector ;-

10 / 25

What is the full form of STOL":-

11 / 25

The distance the aircraft has to cover in the ground to achieve takeoff speed is called:-

12 / 25

Why are the pulse pairs used in DME instead of single pulses;-

13 / 25

what is the bandwidth of  a signal having  928Mhz   and  920  Mhz  as its  upper and lower  frequencies '=

14 / 25

______________ is defined as the portion of pules after 65μSec:-

15 / 25

Which is a data transfer  standard for  aircraft avionics:-

16 / 25

Which is the fundamental control of a common autopilot mode;-

17 / 25

why  can  digital   data use time division  multiplexing :-

18 / 25

What is the frequency of interrogation pulse in secondary radar:-

19 / 25

What is the  beam  error  in localizer  for  aircraft  CG  displacement  of  5 m  at a range of  1500 m  :-

20 / 25

A  dipole  antenna  is also  called as :-

21 / 25

___________ related ranging errors to the dispersion in measured position:-

22 / 25

A sine wave whose frequency is some integer multiple of a fundamental sine wave is called:-

23 / 25

The equilibrium roll angle is known as:-

24 / 25

what is the ratio  of  frequency  deviation to the modulating   frequency is known as ;-

25 / 25

ARINC  is  an  non profit  organization;-

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