Defence and Strategic Studies Quiz

Defence and Strategic Studies




Shaheen Leader Academy

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Defence & Strategic Studies Quiz

1 / 25

Federal Investigation agency has wide role in:-

2 / 25

Agreesive  diplomacy  is :-

3 / 25

ISI  stands for  :-

4 / 25

Indirect  approach  of  war was  recommended  by ;-

5 / 25

The Soviet union withdraw from Afghanistan:-

6 / 25

The ranges of enhanced version of Babur cruise missile is____________;-

7 / 25

The  government  has  approved  an  extension   in the  tenure of the Army  chief  for  another ;-

8 / 25

Which  system  is  equal  to  world  Federation:-

9 / 25

Methodology  of study  of INP   is  :-

10 / 25

Who said ,we will fight for a thousand year for Kashmir in UN session;-

11 / 25

How many members are there in Arab League:-

12 / 25

Hamas group has launched Operation Al-Aqsa ' against________________:-

13 / 25

Which  country is associated  with   B-21  Raider  bomber:-

14 / 25

Mahan is  the  doyen of which school of thought :-

15 / 25

The images of  war   render  the role of   women as always :-

16 / 25

WWII was outbreak due to the attack of Germany on:-

17 / 25

______________ is not related to trade:-

18 / 25

'States are motivated by Morality and values' . This statement is related to:-

19 / 25

Treaty  of  west  Phalia  was on :-

20 / 25

Feminism  sees   security  from  the  perspective of :-

21 / 25

Which statement explains the concept of collective security:-

22 / 25

Range  of  Ghauri missile  -1  is L0

23 / 25

America dropped atomic bomb on which country:-

24 / 25

Which country is the host  of the Multilateral  tri services  exercise BRIGHT  STAR-23:-

25 / 25

The fundamental characteristics of 18th amendment of the constitution of Pakistan:-

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