Management Science

Management Sciences Quiz




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Management Sciences

Management Sciences Quiz

1 / 25

The  decrease of  workers  productivity  with an increase in their wages at the  same  time ,   the unit  cost  will be ;-

2 / 25

Constraint in LLP are treated as active if they represent optimal solution:-

3 / 25

The agreement  which caused  by fraud,  coercion and  misrepresentation is called :-

4 / 25

Hawthorne studies  were a series  of  early  experiments  that  focused  on;-

5 / 25

Leadership  leads to  achievement of  organizational goals:-

6 / 25

Annual cash dividends divided by annual earning  is term as:-

7 / 25

The behavioral  approach   emphasizes  striving to  increase  production  through ;-

8 / 25

__________  is  the process of  ensuring  that actual  results are in  accordance with planned  results ;-

9 / 25

A specific communication task to  accomplished  with a specific  target  audience during a specific  period of time is called as:-

10 / 25

_______________ is the group of assets  such as stock  and bond held by an investor:-

11 / 25

A plan  developed  to carry out  a  course  of  action  that is not likely  to  be  repeated in the future  is called :-

12 / 25

___________  represents the lower level  management  covering  execution and  implementation  functions ;-

13 / 25

Construction in an LP model represents:-

14 / 25

__________ models considered time as one of the important variable:-

15 / 25

First step in communication process is ;-

16 / 25

The  person heading  the  organizational  hierarchy  is  least likely   to be called ;-

17 / 25

Management is  not :--

18 / 25

Game theory become popular when the Book " Theory of games and Economic Behavior"  was published in____________:-

19 / 25

A company having a current  ratio of 1 will have _________ networking capital:-

20 / 25

The  discipline of  management  is ;-

21 / 25

Decision making under certainty refers to________ situation;-

22 / 25

Which is not  associated  with the  directing   functions ;-

23 / 25

In staffing  action, which one of the following  groups  of managers is  involved:

24 / 25

The contract which  is breach can be:-

25 / 25

The depreciation under the  diminishing balance method is:-

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