Non-Verbal Intelligence Test-2




Shaheen Leader Academy

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Non-Verbal Intelligence Test-2

1 / 25

Find the missing figure :-

2 / 25

Find odd one out :-

3 / 25

Select the suitable  option to replace the question mark :-

4 / 25

Choose the odd one out :-

5 / 25

Choose the correct option :-

6 / 25

Choose the correct option to complete the series:-

7 / 25

Which option will complete the figure matrix :-

8 / 25

Choose the suitable answer ;-

9 / 25

Select the suitable answer ;-

10 / 25

Choose the correct option:-

11 / 25

What come next in the series :-

12 / 25

Select a suitable figure   from the options that would complete the  figure matrix :-

13 / 25

select the best answer to replace the question mark:-

14 / 25

Choose the correct option to fill the missing spot :-

15 / 25

Select the suitable option to replace the question mark :-

16 / 25

Which option will be next  in the series :-

17 / 25

What come next in the  series :-

18 / 25

Choose the right answer :-

19 / 25

Which option  is best to replace the question mark :-

20 / 25

Which option will be the suitable answer to replace question mark :-

21 / 25

What number should replace the question mark :-

22 / 25

What number should replace the question mark:-

23 / 25

What come next in the following :-

24 / 25

Find the figure from the four alternatives  that would complete the figure matrix;-

25 / 25

What would below  continues  the above sequence:-

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