Test Page (Pak Studies)

Pakistan Studies Tests




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Pak Studies Quiz

1 / 25

Who was the first Muslim Governor Of Sindh:-

2 / 25

The highest Building of Pakistan is__________?

3 / 25

Which country is situated in east of Pakistan:-

4 / 25

What is the Height of Tirichmir peak ?

5 / 25

Which is the most populous city:-

6 / 25

The height of Nanga parbat is:-

7 / 25

National insignia of Pakistan is__________?

8 / 25

When Pakistan's NH&MP  Motorway police was established:-

9 / 25

How many prime ministers of Pakistan have completed a full five-year tenure after winning the general elections?

10 / 25

Chaj Doab lies b/w which two rivers?

11 / 25

KP stands for _______?

12 / 25

Subuktigin, became the master of Ghazni in ___ A.D:-

13 / 25

The largest desert of Pakistan:-

14 / 25

Which of the following air company was the first to operate in Pakistan?

15 / 25

Nanga parbat is in which mountain range:-

16 / 25

First charter of human right is:-

17 / 25

The ‘Kashaf-ul-Mahjub’ was written by?

18 / 25

Who was the first Prime Minister of Azad Kashmir?

19 / 25

In which of the following city National Defence University is located ?

20 / 25

The Largest Coal Reservoir are found in ____________ ?

21 / 25

Minar e Pakistan was designed by:-

22 / 25

Name the first foreign minister of Pakistan:-

23 / 25

An agreement for cooperation was sighned during Turkish President Kennan Everno`s visit to Pakistan in Feb 1980 in the field of______?

24 / 25

who is known as the founder of Tahrik-e-Raishmi Romal (The Silk Letter Movement)?

25 / 25

Who was the first C-in-C of Pakistan Navy?

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